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                                       There will be no trauma things just some cursing>3                

                                                             MELODY POV

" Since i'm so kind-" "Sorry you're what now? Is there a new Melody all of a sudden." Says Pansy. "As I was SAYING, Pansy," I continue, "I will introduce everyone real quick. So, this is Pansy Parkinson" I say while pointing to her. "Pansy is a very good friend to me. She will never leave my side and I'll never leave hers. On your left you have annoying draco. I've known him all my live and he has never become any less annoying. Then there is Crabbe and Goyle. If I can be honest they're just Draco's slaves. Not that much to say about them," I whisper the last part. "And then there is Blaise Zabine. Blaise is like my best friend. People always say that we could be cute together but we wouldn't even think about it.  I also have a boyfriend, Phillip but hes a Ravenclaw. So, you aren't going to see him very much. Then you have Brooklyn Livingstone.  Brook is like the most beautiful girl in the world, no wonder every boy here wants to fuck her. Of course, she is my bestie for all the drama that is going on. Then last but not least, Scott Parker. No not spidermans kid" I say laughing a bit to hard, but it doesn't matter because soon the whole group joinsin.

Scott eventually says "Rude much," Riddle chuckles a bit. It is so soft only I can hear it. Blaise screams a little bit and then says very quietly "Drama is coming." I turn my head to see that Astoria is coming over to pay us a visite. 

Astoria walks right over to Riddle and begins speaking in her pick me voice, I fucking hate that voice that she does when shes around boys. "Heyyyy Mattheo, i'm Astoria Greengrass. I hope you like to go on a date sometime when you're free." Ofcourse she had to say it with a nasty smile.  'god i hate her so much.' I'm so done with her. I'm just going to say something about it. "Sorry Greenass, he doesn't go an a date with plastic" I  snap with a sound that souned so annoyed it didn't even sound like me. In the corner of my eyes I can see Riddle with a slight smirk on his face. She just screams "Ugh!" after that she walks away.

 Then out of the blue Dumbledore comes and stands next to us. He says "Welcome Mr.Riddle, I just wanted to say that Ms.Richards will show you around the school" 'How the fuck don't I know about this stuff. I swear that man just does what he wants and forgets to inform people about it.' I thought to myself. So, I say"Fine." Riddle says "Great, can't wait to learn from the best sir. And thank you again for enrolling me into the school sir." 'Suck up.' I think. Dumbledore then says "Splendid, goodbye Melody and Mr.Riddle. I hope you have a great first day." "Bye Albus, enjoy the rest of your day too" I say smiling at him. He returned the smile and  walked away. 

"Come Riddle, I'll show you the school real quick before lessons start." He says "Okay." Then he  walks out of the Great Hall with me right by his side. 

"Why did you call Dumbledore by his first name?" Riddle asks. "I would prefer not to tell because it doesn't concern you." I say still a little pissed that I needed to give this tour. "You know, you're right. You don't have to share everything about you're perfect live with me." He says it so cold and uncaring. Weird. 

"Anyway here is your dorm."I say standing in front of a black door with the name RIDDLE on it. We walked the dorm in but then I realised something..."Hold on why is your room so black with no colour and is literally as big as the pacific ocean." I say so suprised. "I know Witch, I have eyes" he coldly said. "Okay you can stop with the witch thing right now so I don't have to hear it again." I say annoyed. "No, I think i'm goo.d" he said with a smirk. That goddamn smirk. It makes me want to rip it off his face whe he does that.

"You know staring is rude." He says again with that goddamn smirk again. "Ohh, I don't care." I say with a girly smirk. With that he pins me to the wall. I look in his eyes and he looks in mine. "Well well that is no way to talk to me like that or do you think differently." He says and of course with the smirk. "If you think you can scare me then I think you should stop." I say a bit too proud. "Why are you not scared, love?" He says with emphase on the word 'love'. "Because my mom dated your dad. So I know what kind i'm dealing with." I say in a quick stupid defense. "What may that kind be? The one just like your little boyfriend Phillip?" He asks so sincere you would almost never think it wasn't all a lie. "I think you'll have to figure that out." I say misteriously. "Well I need to go and you have astronomy, but we have potions today and DADA together tomorrow. Ithink I can go now see you in potions." I say sarcasitically. "Goodbye witch." he says.

                                                        MATTHEO POV

'That girl does drive me crazy but I need to focus and study, So I can become a Death Eater for my father. But I can have a little fun with some other girls on the way to my goal.


                                                               HELLO BEAUTY'S

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