CHAPTER FOUR( A night to remember)

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                     (a little bit of fluff for you guys, just wait for the smut that is coming. A little bit of                                                                                    a punch in this chapteer<3)

When I open the door the first thing I see is my boyfriend and my bestfriend both half naked making out on his bed. I just watch in disbelieve. The guy I trustand love is doing this to me, oh and someone I thought was my bestfriend just proved that she is a ultra hooker/ whore. Unbelievebale, what a disgust. 

It takes Brooklyn a few seconds to see me standing in the doorway. "Ohh oh my god Mel." she says like she is sorry. "What." he now also sees me standing there and gets dressed fast, "I am so sorry, I can explain" he says in shock. "No, you don't! You cheated on me with my bestfriend, how can you put yourself and me through this!" I say now almost falling down crying. "And you, you, what a bestfriend can do that. I know because your is a hooker and you only care for yourself and your plessure little desires, and you don't care for your bestfriend and her feelings. Honestly I don't even see you as a friend anymore, you disgusting living creature!" After I say that I'm crying so hard. 

"What no, no Mel-" Brook says. "No don't Mel me. It's Melody or Richards to you both." I say. "Fine Melody,  that isn't fair to say." She says trying to guilt-trip me. "Why not?" I snapback. She is now crying but I already stopped. "Why are you crying ? Are you the one who has just saw her bestfriend and boyfriend almost ready to fuck!" I'm super angry and I mean every word of what I say in this moment to her.  "No just listen." She says. "Yes just let her speak." Phillp says now joining the conversation. "Oh i see already fighting others for your new girlfriend. You know what I'm done you can take her, we're over." Phillip walks up to me and then does something I didn't think would happen to me again. He hits me.

                                                            AFTER ARRIVING AT THE ASTRONOMY TOWER

I look around and still see Mattheo in the same spot where our conversation ended a hour ago. "And?" He aks.  "Yeah, you were right "Well I study people and I saw that he was never really going to quidditch. I mean five practices in two days is so fucking much. So I followed him and he was walking to Brooklyn her dorm. After a few minutes I was hearing some sounds that I will never get out of my head." "Really, damn you're kind of creepy. But thank you for this, I wouldn't want to date someone when they are acually cheating on me. Shit I share a room with her how am I going to sleep when she is in my face.' I say thinking shit. 'Well I think you can stay for the night at my place and then the next morning just talk to Mcgonagall.' he says, that is very nice of him. "Sure, i mean you don't want to sleep in the same room as that hooker," He says chuckling. Then all of a sudden his face changes. "What happend to your face?" He asks angry. "Nothing, just bumped into a door on the way here." I say quickly. "No, I have seen a fair pair of bruises before and that is definetly from a door. Oh my god. Did he hit you?! Don't tell me he did. I'm going to get so mad" He says. "He did, but don't worry, this was his first time and I broke up with him so he can"t hit me again like the last time." I say saying that last part very quiet. "Like the last time?! Who else hurt you, love?" He asks concerned. "My ex boyfriend but that is in the past. I really hoped he wouldn't hit me, Phillip. But he did." I say.

 It is realy sweet of him to let me sleep in his room, but why do I feel like he does it because he actualy wants to. "You know love-" he says snapping me out of my thoughts, "- what is your favourite book?" He says almost cringing at the question he just asked me. "Why do you want to know that?" I ask back curious what he is going to say to that. "Well, I think that says a lot about the person." he says staring at the stars. "Okay, if you must know it's  pretty little lairs or Little Woman." I say looking at him hoping for a reaction, but he just doesn't open his mouth  for a long time untill he says "Why Pretty little lairs, because I know Little Woman it's a classic but the backstory behind it and all the thing around it that you can think of are just magical. But why It ends with us?" "Well, don't ever use this against me but, the Proffesor student kind of love thing was good and very addicting to read.' I say laughing but he just chuckles. "Okay, that is true." "Wait you actualy  have read the book?" I'm suprised when I hear that coming out of his mouth. "Yeah, next question what is your favourite colour?" "I will answer the question but you need to anwser it too, and we have to say it at the same time. Okay?" "Fine." "1, 2, .......3 emerald green." "emerald green." He says and he is hella shocked that I say that. "Theo how did you choose emerald green?" "Its a great color and is made from pioson." "true." I say.

"Mel-" He says while moving to me I back up until I get to the wall and our faces were now inches away, "- do I make you nervous?" He says smirking. "honestly, yes." I say with no shame. "Great, now your going to do exacaly what I say you can do. Just go with it and if I need to stop then I will."  I didn't know what he was talking about but he made it clear when he smashed his soft lips on mine. The taste of his sweet lips and a mix of his cologne hitting my nose and lips was addictive. After what felt like the most wonderful few seconds of my life he pulled away and for the first time in two days I can see a sparkle in his eyes, it was hardly a sparkle but I'll take it. "Should we go to my room so that we can sleep." "Yeahh, let's do that. Oh no it's past curfew." I say panicking. "Doll, that doesn't matter i'm head boy." "What? since when?" "Since the day of my arrival."

We walk to his room and I already knew that he had a room all on his own because nobody wants to sleep in the same room as him. "I don't have anything to sleep in Theo." " You can take one of my t shirts." "Thanks a lot again for letting me stay here." "Sure, I mean it's fine."  I grab one of his shirts and put them on in the bathroom, brush my teeth. "Hey Theo i'm just going to sleep on the couch." "No, you're not. You're laying in bed i'm going on the couch." "But Theo you already were so kind to let me stay let me atleast let you sleep in your own bed." "No your sleeping in this bed, and if you want me to be sleeping in that bed too i'm just going to lay in that goddamn bed with you." "Fine." I say and  I walk to his bed and lay down with him under the blanket. Soon i'm in his arms without knowing and drifting to sleep...


                                                                                   ( 15365 words)

                          Sorry guys about not posting chapters so much but I think i'm now going to                                                                                                 post more.

                         Btw I changed the name and I don't know why there is standing that i finished                                                                 the story because it is just beginning...

                                                                                      Bye beautys, 

                                           have a great day or night for most of you wattpad readers<3 

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