CHAPTER THREE ( astronomy tower)

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                        ( There will be no trauma stuff just saying things like fuck)<3                        

                                                         MELODY POV

I'm on my way to potions when Brooklyn comes walking by. "Hey what are you doing?" She asks. "Oh hey Brook i'm just walking to potions but I have to run so can I speak with you later at dinner?' I ask. "Yes, that is fine. I have some important stuff to do anyway. Bye see you later hon!" "Bye sweetie!" I shout running towards my potions classroom. I walked to the potions class. I come into the room and on each of the tabels is standing a name card. I saw Blaise with Luna, Pansy with Draco, Crabbe with Goyle and then there  it is my name. The name and the person that is siting next to the name card is ugh. 'Mattheo Riddle'. I'm going to try and be friendly. So I'll start by saying hello.

"Hello Mr.Riddle." I say politly. "Well hello to you to Ms.Richards." He says just as fake as me. "Can you please stop calling me that, it's weird hearing my last name. Just call me Melody or Mel.' I say. "I think I know what to call you, sweetheart." He says with once again no expression on his face. "Look that is where you're wrong, i'm no sweetheart." I say.

*cough* "Sorry to interupt your conversation but I have a class to teach Mr.Riddle and Ms. Richards. It would be nice if you would cooperate with that." He said way to cold and stiff. I can just feel the shame coming in my body. Being called out by a professor has never felt good. "Sorry sir, it wouldn't happen again." I quickly say to my defense. "I would do it again if I can and guess what...I will." He whispered  quietly in my ear. From that moment on I feel a sort of irritation against Riddle. 

The class is over quickly, so I pack my stuff and walk out the door  as the very first person. God damn that was some weird shit there.

                                                     *SOMETIME SKIP*

                                                        *AT DINNER*

I walk with Brook, Scott, Blaise and Pansy to the dinner table. " was everybody their day." Pansy asks. "Fine i guess?" Blaise anwsers. "Weird as fuck." I say. "And why that?"Pansy asks. on the moment I want to anwser Draco and his slaves ( that's what i like to call them) storm into the great hall. "Because she and Riddle were fighting or flirting I don't know but Snape was kinda pissed about it." He says just like that. What. The. Fuck. "Thank you for the information 'Melody'" with emphasis on Melody. "Sorry. Not sorry." He says. Brook and Pansy shot up from their chairs and scream "You just had couple goals with Mattheo fucking Riddle!" "Way to go Mel." Say Blaise and Scott in a cheerful way. 

Then out of the blue an owl comes flying to me and places a letter on my lap. "I wonder who is writing you a letter at this hour, and who is it from?" Brook asks curious. The letter wrote: 

                                                                  Dear Ms.Richards,  

                                         you have to be the Astronomy Tower at 9:00 o'clock.

                                                               Don't tell a living soul.

                                                               I hope to see you there. 



"And who is it? Don 't keep us waiting." Pansy says. "Oh, just my parents. They wanted to see if I was doing alright." I say lying. 

"Okay boring, i'm going to work on some homework, you guys?"

"probably nothing much." Says the rest.

"Great, see you all tommorow." Says Brook

"Goodnight." Says everyone.

                                                              SOME TIME SKIP

It is now 8:50 PM and I think i'm going to the Astronomy tower. I need to see who send me the letter. Shit it is already 9:05 and I have only just arrived. So, finally i'm on the top of the Astonomy tower. I saw nobody and I already were late. I just sit on the floor in the middle being just fine with myself. A few minutes pass by and all of the sudden I hear footsteps behind me. I sit up fast only the see the one and only Mattheo fucking Riddle smirking "I see that you came." He says.  "Wait you sent me the letter?" I ask nervous. "And they say you're the smart girl. What else does M.R stand for?" he said with a chuckle at the end while still smirking. It finally made sense but why would he want to meet up here?

After a few akward moments i say "So, why did you sent me the letter?" "What?" he asks confused. "Why of all people did you sent me a letter, and why even did you sent me a letter?" I ask because now I do want answers. 

"Well I thought that you have the right to know that your boyfriend is basically a cheater and that your bestie is a whore who is probably right now at his room sucking his face off." he says literally so cold like wtf. But more suprising is that he is saying that my boyfriend is cheating on me with my bestfriend. Would he maybe be lying over such a serious matter? "You sure I mean Phillip has been a great boyfriend." I ask for 100% clarity. "Yes, because that stuff that Brooklyn is doing..." the quick pause between the sentence, " him.  Shes fucking him. And that quidditch thing that he is doing, what person has five practices in two days off the season starting , that is way too much time for quidditch practice." He stading good aruments. Then it hit me. My boyfriend cheated on me with my bestfriend! What kind of a boyfriend would do that. One better what kind of a bestfriend would do that. Why would anyone cheat on me? Just why? I can't speak. I'm on the edge of crying while Riddle isn't looking like hes enjoying my pain so much anymore.

Then something switches in me and I just sorta run towards the Ravenclaw common room secretly hoping that Phillip isn't cheating on me. I'm going all the way up to the tower,and when I finally arrive at the common room door I take a small breath. "Okay." I say to myself. I speed walk the Ravenclaw tower in. I kinda knew something was off but in that specific moment you don't care. 

I walk right up to Phillip his room and open the door and  I can't believe what I see. What I see is...


                                                                          (words: 1,100 K)


                                                                              HEY BEAUTY'S


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