He was wearing a suit which looked soo casual since the hair covering his forehead was styled to one side which I knew was one of the trends at the moment.He has very nice green eyes. To be honest I'm not denying that he doesn't look handsome and charming but I guess I don't really have that much interest in guys like the rest of the girls in this school do.The girls here practically drool over him and try to look their best in front of him but I just see him as another human being. I remembered what Clara said and I certainly didin't want my life to get even more miserable so I decided to keep my answer short.
"I already had my lunch and had nothing to do so I decided to come to class early." I said then quikly turning my gaze back towards the window. " Well since you look like your not very busy will you please help me with something?" Oh my god! Why on earth does he have to ask me that? I couldn't just say no because that would be rude and if I said I had something to do he would know I would be lying because I clearly look like I'm doing nothing at the moment. So in the end I had to pray to god to help me to not get noticed by anyone and agreed to help him.
"So what's your name?". "It's Violet McGuiness." "Well ok then Ms. McGuiness can you please help me by setting one textbook on each of the desks?" "Yeah sure,no problem." After I finished I went back to his desk to ask him what I should do with the remaining books.
"So where should I put the remaining books?" "Well you can just give that to me." he said with a smile and took the books from me and then putting it on his chair since his desk was filled with papers. "Is there anything else you want me to help you with Mr.Sykes?" "Well since you asked, maybe you could help me by writing down the notes from this book onto the board." "Sure thing." He then took out a black leather covered book and flipped through it. After that he handed me the book which was opened to a page filled with notes about World War 2 and a black marker pen.
After I finished my first sentence he asked me to try not to write too cursive just incase some of them couldn't read it later on. I then tried my best to finish writing, but, by not using my original hand writing. As soon as I finished the bell rang. I handed him the book and took my seat quickly before anyone walked in. Clara walked in giving me another deathly stare and took her seat right behind mine!
During class I tried my best to concentrate but I wasn't doing very well on that since Clara kept kicking my seat. I tried to keep my eyes glued onto the board with all the notes which I had written. I would say I did do very well considering that it wasn't crooked, it was big enough so that the people at the back could see as well and most importantly it was clear enough so that everyone could read it. I feel pity for some of the girls in class because they were talking about how nice the writing on the board was. Which they thought was Mr.Sykes but was really mine.
Suddenly, I felt somethiing hit my head. I looked at the ground it was a crumpled up paper. I looked behind and Clara mouthed read it now! So, I picked up the crumpled up piece of paper and read the note that was written in it. It read:
Hey twat don't get too full of yourself just because your going to be alone with Mr.Sykes after school while everyone heads back home. Don't get any ideas cause I'm watching remember that! If you do try anything such as a single touch I swear I will make your life even more hell than it is!
I just ignored her ridiculous letter and carried on with the lesson.
The bell rang signalling that it was the end of school and I didin't worry at all about music class right till this moment. I didin't even worry when Clara sent me that little dumb letter of hers. I quickly packed up my things and was the first to head for the door but someone zoomed past me which eventually led to eveyone doing the same by not giving me way to go out. Clara was one of the last ones that headed for the door only because she was too busy whispering something into one of the boys in the football team. I was still standing there at the corner near Mr.Syke's desk having being blocked by everyone when the boy that Clara was whispering to pushed me off balance a little bit. I thought I could regain back my balance but I thought wrong. I tipped backwards and Clara stuck out her leg where my ankle was and I was falling backwards. She shouted out 'Sorry my bad' sarcastically and stormed out of the class before I fell. My head almost bumped onto the sharp edge of Mr.Sykes' desk when I felt someones hand on my waist. No one else was in the class at that moment so the only explanation as to who was the one that caught me meant that it was...............
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NOTE: Sorry this chapters really short too but I'll try to make things a little better after this k thanks!!!

Who Can I Trust? - ( A Nathan Sykes Fanfiction )
FanficViolet's a 17 year old teen who has been shut down in life through bullying. She lives in a forest with no one to claim as her family. Then comes a hot and young looking new teacher who soon captures that little hurt heart of hers. But then, things...