Part 7 - ( I'll Help You From Now On )

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Nathan's POV

Both of us rode all the way in silence until we reached my place. I parked the car in the driveway and turned off the engine. "Ok, you can get out now." "Huh? Owh ok." she said with the sound of hesitance in her voice. Even after I got down from the car and walked to my front proch she was still standing near my car. "Come on then love, don't be scared, it's all right you'll be able to get back home by tomorrow morning. Your just going to stay here for the night. Come on."

She just looked at me, then the house and started to walk over to where I was. I unlocked the door and swung the door open. Then, I gestured for her to enter first. She walked in hesitantly without a word. I walked in and closed the door behind me. 

"Nice home you've got's.....very homely." "Thanks. But first I think you should get warmed up. I mean.....well your soaking wet and you must be freezing in this cold." "Owh, yeah. But....what will I wear? I don't have any dry clothes with me." " could borrow some of mine." I said in a questioning tone. "What!" she said shouting. Well you can't blame her I mean how many girls have been asked to wear their history teachers clothes?

" I-I'm sorry, I mean, well I don't want to trouble you so why don't I just wait for my clothes to dry an-" "Well what are you going to wear while your waiting for your clothes to dry? Huh? Just stop being hesistant because I'm just trying to help you okay. Wait here." I said cutting her off and going upstairs to get her some fresh and clean clothes.

I rummaged through my drawer, looking for something close to her size. I finally took one of my shirts and a pair of joggers. "Here, take this. Bathroom's down the hallway on the right. You can put your wet clothes in the dryer." "Ok. Umm what bout my bag?" "You can just put it there by the corner on the floor." "Thanks. Oh and do you have a hair dryer so I can dry my books?" "Yeah sure. It's there in the bathroom." "Thanks" she said heading to the bathroom.

What a long day it's been, I think I'll take a good hot shower cause it's freezing.

An hour later I'm finally ready. I put my T-shirt on over my head while walking down the stairs. I don't think she heard me come down over the noise of the hair dryer cause she didin't even bother to look. She was kneeling  with all of her books layed out on the floor. She was wearing my clothes and.........well know that I see it, she kinda .........looks cute wearing my clothes. Eventhough my clothes looked a bit baggy on her because of her small frame she still looked good. Wait what are you thinking, stop it she's your student for christ's sake stop it!

"Are your books all right?" "Huh? Oh yeah they're all right. They're just a bit soggy that's all. It's a good thing the ink did not run or smudge." "Well that's good. So everything all right? Are you still feeling a bit hesitant about staying the night?" "Well of course, yeah, but not as much as I was before this." " what do you want for dinner? Pizza ok?" "Yeah sure, but I'm paying for my half." "No, your not paying at all. My treat k." "No,bu-" "I'm paying and that's that. Think of it as a favour ok? So, peperoni ok?" "Err...... sure." "Ok so that's 2 large peperoni's." "Large?" "Don't tell me your not starving." "Well I am bu- nevermind 2 large peperoni's it is." she said with a smile. Wow, that smile would brighten anyone's day. Wait, was I just thinking that? Urgh.

I ordered and went over to Violet who was still busy trying to get her books dry again. " I think you should put that down,cause I don't think that it would dry up anytime soon. Maybe you should do something else like watch tv. It would dry up by morning." "Well ok. I guess your right. It's no use anyway." she said putting the hair dryer down and getting up.

I walked over to the living room and she followed. I ushered her to sit on the sofa and she did. I then took a seat on the other end of the sofa. "So, how long have you been playing?" "Well I think it was since I was 6. My mum was the one who put me in piano class for the first time. She said that she always knew that I loved music, even when I was a baby. I guess I always did like the sound of the piano. Even when I was just a little girl I loved classical music. So I guess that's where I picked it all up from. I never really had a piano to practise with since I started learning all I had was a keyboard to practise with. But, when my first exam was coming up my teacher told me that I had to have a piano so, my mum saved a lot of money to just buy a simple but lasting piano." "Well that's a touching story. In a waay you kinda remind me of myself. I mean the passion that you have for music it's just.......something that you don't see these days. People just do it for the name. Look........erm....I' so sorry bout what happened......bout what I did. I didin't mean was well...." "It's no big deal,I know you got caught up in the moment and well it just happened. Just as long as we both don't tell anyone it's fine. Deal?" "Deal." 

At that moment the bell rang. Must be the pizza delivery guy. Finally..urgh

For the rest of the evening we ate the two boxes of pizza while watching a movie. Wow who knew a girl as small as her could eat so much! "Well I'm knackered." she said with a yawn. "Ok, well you can take the guest bedroom upstairs, first door on the left and here, you can use this to brush your teeth. It's never been used." "Well thank you so much Nathan, for everything including your kindness." "Well your very welcome love. You better be getting to bed cause I'll drive you back to your home in the morning." With that she left up the stairs. I stayed up a while later getting ready for my second day of teaching. I got ready for bed took off my joggers and T-shirt and climbed into bed. For some reason I couldn't sleep well that night, something in my mind keeps bothering me. So I spent the next hour or so staring at the ceiling thinking about random things's Violet doing?

NOTE:Sorry very short chapter and I'm also very sorry that I didin't update in a long time.....homework. So I hope you like it! ;)

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