Violet's POV
"Are you alright?" he asked me still holding onto me. "Yeah I'm fine I-I j-just tripped." "Are you sure you just tripped?" Oh gosh I think he's already seen everything that just happened. "Yup I just tripped on someones foot. No need to worry. Anyways thanks for saving me or I would've gotten a major injury knocking my head at the edge of your desk." I said while getting off the floor along with Mr.Sykes help. " No problem. So, your having an individual music class with me after this right?" "Yup! Erm...... Mr.Sykes....." "Yes, what is it Ms. McGuiness" "If you could would you please call me violet and ........ if it's not a bother,would you mind if we had the class at the auditorium instead of the music classroom?" "Sure, I don't mind a bit.So, shall we go now?" "Yep! Do you need any help carrying any of your stuff?" "Sure if your willing to. Here take this stack of papers and lets go."
We came out of the building and walked through the field to the block that was just built a few months ago. It was the biggest amongst all of the other blocks in the school compound. We walked there in silence,neither one of us even made a sound. All that could be heard were our footsteps and the wind blowing very hard making it troublesome for me because I had to constantly move my hair that kept blowing into my face. It was a very gloomy day. The clouds have been gray in colour since morning and they get darker and darker as the end of the day nears.I just hope that it doesn't start raining before I get back.
As he tried to unlock the door by trying each key in a big bunch of them he asked me why I wanted to use this room. " Well the first reason is because theres a grand piano here and it has just been tuned. Next it's because its more spacious and the janitor cleans this place the last so if we needed to stay a bit more longer we could." "Ouh, well those are very much reasonable reasons." he said while still fidling with the massive bunch of keys. "Here let me help" i said while reaching out for the keys. He gladly gave it to me and I knew which the right key was so I immediately inserted it into the key hole and turned the doorknob and swung the door open. I gave a little gesture telling him to enter first. I remembered to take the keys with me when I went in. I set the stack of papers along with the keys on the table he was at. I then asked what he wanted me to do first for the lesson and he told me that he wanted to see what I could do.
So, I made my way to the piano on the stage and placed my bag beside it. I took out all the books that had something to do with music and set them on top of the right side of the piano. He then came on top of the stage and stood next to me. He asked me "So do you also join in the music class along with everybody else?" "Yes I do but I don't do all the work that are given to them. I mostly help Mrs. Holt and whenever she gives a challenging assignment I'm supposed to do it. But doing extra work helps me a lot." "Ok. So I guess it wouldn't be too hard for you if I teach the same way wouldn't it" "Nope not at all." “Great now carry on.”
I took out my clear folder and turned it to the page with my all time favourite song......Because You Loved Me by Selene Dion.I carefully played the notes expressively and trying not to make a mistake. I loved this song and I always played and sang it with all my heart going back to the memories of my parents and the way they raised me with so much care.I was getting quite emotional, and soon enough my eyes started to fill with tears. My vision started to get blurry and my voice almost sounded a bit croaky. I just hoped that Mr.Sykes didin't see me tearing up. Eventually I made it through the whole song without any mistakes and I just hoped that I sounded good.
I played the last note with a pause and put my hand on my lap when I was done. I wiped my tears away and turned towards Mr. Sykes direction. He didin't move for a while and all that he was doing was staring at me. It didin't look much like he was in some sort of trance. "Mr. Sykes is everything all right?" "Please call me Nathan after school hours." and in one swift motion I felt his lips against mine. There were so many things running through my mind at that time. Why did he kiss me? Why was he staring at me like that? Is he trying to take advantage of me?Or is he playing tricks on me just to see me wrack my brain trying to figure out why? I didin't know the answers to all these questions but I did know one thing ........... I felt something that I have never felt before.
============================== NOTE: I hope you guys will enjoy this part. Sorry that its a little short and sounds like crap. I'll try harder next time. Please give me some tips if you want.Oh and don't forget to comment cause I want to know what you guys out there think of it! ;)

Who Can I Trust? - ( A Nathan Sykes Fanfiction )
FanfictionViolet's a 17 year old teen who has been shut down in life through bullying. She lives in a forest with no one to claim as her family. Then comes a hot and young looking new teacher who soon captures that little hurt heart of hers. But then, things...