Chapter 3

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Jake had stayed up all night, plotting and planning. He had watched as Hailey and Zander reacted with shock and alarm in hearing that they had led Drew to his death. They begged Jake to tell them what he was plotting, for he had only told them that they would soon be the ones on their knees, screaming and crying. Oh well... they would have to be left in trepidation.

He knew he would have to plan carefully, rather than jumping into action. He could pain them bit by bit, slowly tormenting them worse and worse. Leaving the music club would be step one, then he would belittle Hailey relentlessly, to make her unconfident in her singing. That would be a nice start to the series of suffering they would face. A little prologue, an introduction.

Jake smirked, laying his head down on his soft and fluffy pillow. They wouldn't forget his threats anytime soon, he was smart enough to know that. He would wait to bring on the last blow, the fatal strike, their deaths.

His phone buzzed, vibrating on his lap. A notification popped up. It was from GachaGram, Hailey demanding and pleading to know what he was going to do, trying to convince him that she was sorry. 'Yeah right, sorry,' Jake scowled inwardly. He tapped onto the notification and let it be known that he had seen the message, but wouldn't reply. Suspense! It was delightful, especially when your old friend turns into a maniac!

He checked the time on his phone, ignoring Hailey's incoming messages. 'Ah, school,' his face held a smug expression. He supposed that Zander had warned the music club about Jake's change of personality, though possibly having left out the part that it was ALL HIS FAULT. Jake's face contorted in rage. Yes, definitely! Zander nor that brat Hailey wouldn't have told them that their friend's oncoming death was THEIR fault. Indirect murder, maybe, but all. their. work.

Jake stretched as he got off his bed, changing out of his sleepwear and into his regular blue denim jacket, grey shirt, and ripped jeans. Nothing out of the ordinary in his clothing, he wouldn't be noticed while plotting out his murder plans. Jake cringed inwardly. 'I sound like I'm some edgy fanfiction yandere,' he thought to himself, grimacing.

He shrugged off his cringeworthy thoughts, and climbed out of his bedroom window with his schoolbag. On a normal day, he'd exit through the front door, but his parents still believed that he was at Drew's manor.

The walk to school went as usual, him humming to a tune, though this time his mind was formulating plans and taking mental notes. Drew's parents wouldn't recognise their son's disappearance for hours, though they'd most probably find out today. He shuddered. That would make Jake their prime suspect, as he was last seen with Drew last. 'I'm getting revenge for your son's sake, give me the credit I rightfully deserve,' he sniped in his mind.

"Jake!" a panicky, familiar, wretched voice called from behind him.

"Ah, look who's here," he turned his head to Hailey, snarling, "How nice of you to call for me."

Zander came running up behind Hailey, looking more timid than usual. 'Good, let him be like that. He shouldn't be comfortable in approaching me.'

"Jake, please," Hailey grabbed onto Jake's wrist in a painfully tight grip, "Please tell us. What do you mean by "6ft under for 3 people that you know"? Jake we're sorry, we're so, so sorry f-for leading Drew to..."

Her voice trailed off. Seriously? She regret it now? Jake scoffed. He snatched his hand out of Hailey's clutch and smiled at her innocently.

"It's a surprise!" he childishly grinned, but both Zander and Hailey saw all the malice behind it.

- - - - -

Drew had followed Jake as he walked back home, wanting to make sure he was safe, pushing back the thought that if Jake were in danger, he could do nothing about it. Pushing back the thought that if danger came for Jake, they could be reunited in the afterlife. No, Jake had to live on, he had things to live for, people to live for. Drew couldn't wish for him to join him.

He had... well, that may not be the right time to have done so, but he had realised that he had harboured feelings for Jake. He cared intensely for Jake, but also yearned to be with him once again. To speak to him. For Jake's eyes to sparkle happily whenever he saw him. Now that was snatched away from him. Jake's eyes no longer sparkled, it was dead, malicious, malevolent, unforgiving.

He had seen Jake turn around, and out of pure whim, he kissed Jake, though once again, he flowed right through Jake and ended up in front of the boy. There was a blush on Drew's face, embarrassed to have attempted to kiss Jake, even when he knew it was just a futile attempt at contact with him. His blush faded as soon as it came as Jake collapsed on hands and knees.

"Jake..." he cried silently.

His ghostly tears flew away all of a sudden as Drew felt some invisible force grab him by his waist and pull him violently back to the haunted house. A voice, source unknown, boomed from the ceiling.

"Your time out of the haunted house is up. You may only leave this place one hour a day," the voice commanded sternly.

The voice sounded... familiar? He had definitely heard it before, he just... he just didn't know where. This wasn't a school teacher, this wasn't any one of his relatives. Who was this?

"W-Who are you?" Drew yelled out, his voice unsteady, even though he tried hard to fight the quiver back.

"Why, the one who killed you of course! Have you forgotten? Silly boy," the voice chuckled, though it was filled with evil.

"But why... why would you kill me?" Drew muttered, then he repeated it loud enough for the unseen spirit to hear, "Why did you kill me?!"

He received no answer, he couldn't feel the presence of that ghost anymore. All he saw were other ghosts coming out to gather around Drew, eyebrows raised suspiciously.

Drew gulped.

He wished to have at least found peace in the afterlife, but he knew now, by the looks on their faces, that his wish wouldn't be granted.

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