Chapter 4

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The time for rehearsals had started and Zander and Hailey waited in apprehension for Jake's arrival. They wondered if he were going to do something to do music club. After all, he seemed very serious about his threats. I mean, why wouldn't he be? They... just killed his friend. A murderer. They were a murderer to their bully. They were even worse than Drew.

Luke saw their worried look in their eyes and the way their brows creased nervously. He walked up to them, placing a soothing hand on Zander's shoulder, and hugging Hailey.

"Are you two okay?" he asked calmly.

Zander nor Hailey didn't reply. It was like they didn't hear him, or that they were ignoring him. 'Something's up,' Luke thought to himself, scratching the back of his head, a habit he had when he was nervous. They perked up as the music room door opened, though Zander flinched. Luke looked up suspiciously as Jake came in. Was he the reason they were so scared?

Jake closed the door behind him, leaning on the wooden frame. His eyes were tired, red, bloodshot. He had just been crying. Why was he crying?

"Hello," Jake drawled.

"Hey Jake," Luke nodded at him, forcing on a smile, though he was awfully concerned for almost half the people in the room.

Jake glared at Zander and Hailey for less than a second, but looked so quickly back at the others that Luke wondered if he had really seen Jake glare, or if it was a figment of his imagination.

"I'm leaving the club, I don't want to be around two murderers," Jake had said it so placidly, you'd imagine that he were merely talking about the weather.

Murderers? Milly's eyes widened and she unconsciously stepped backwards, away from the other members. Hailey's lip trembled and Zander was shaking slightly. Jake eyed the step-siblings, raising an eyebrow as though he were amused, and turned to walk away.

"Wait!" Milly called out to Jake.

Jake stopped in his tracks and turned around, holding the door handle and waiting for whatever Milly needed to say.

"Who are the murderers?" Milly asked Jake, "You have to tell us."

"Hang on, Milly," Luke raised a hand to silence her, "How do we know you're not playing a trick with us Jake?"

Jake laughed, "I won't waste my time with evidence. It's not like the murderers would want to kill you. They... they killed someone close to me, but they didn't like that 'someone'."

Jake's face turned from angry and malicious to sad as he said that. Sad, and in pain. He blinked quickly and the sadness seemed vanished, replaced with the same malevolence from earlier. With that, Jake walked out, shutting the door quietly behind him.

Luke frowned. 'Someone close to him, but someone they didn't like?' he asked himself, 'Who... Oh.'

- - - - -

"Jake Sterling, please come to the office," the speaker called out.

The faces in the hallway turned to look at Jake, wanting to know why he was called. He shrugged innocently at them and pretend to walk to the office, though as soon as the hallways were without people, he rushed into the boy's lavatory and took some clothes out of his schoolbag. They were dull and plain, unnoticeable. He didn't want to be noticed, he was going to sneak out of the school. After all, they were likely calling him for the disappearance of Drew. His parents must have been informed as well, he couldn't go home yet.

"The haunted house," Jake whispered to himself, "Maybe... I'll see Drew."

Jake changed into the clothes he brought, stuffing his old ones in his bag. He quickly ran out, head bowed with a hood pulled over his fluffy hair, and ran out of the school. He looked around as cars and people rushed past and tried to make sense of what was happening and where he had to go.

'Ah,' he smirked to himself as he found where he had to go, 'I'm coming Drew.'

- - - - -

Drew sat on the floor of a room, alone, tears streaming down his eyes. Nothing was fair! He couldn't live to even be 18, he couldn't see Jake, he couldn't have a peaceful afterlife. Money was nothing now. He wouldn't be able to buy his way into tranquility.

He remembered when Jake walked in on him crying once, he had comforted him like no one ever had. He was just a friend then, or so he thought, as he was still dating Zoey. However, Jake took care for him. Took care of him better than his relatives, his servants, his own family, his own girlfriend ever had.

He missed the touch of Jake's hand on his face, wiping away the tears. He missed the arms wrapped around him so calmly, not like Jake's usual energetic bear hugs. He liked that, he wanted that, he missed that.

A tapping sound of feet on marble flooring. But... there were only ghosts and spirits in this mansion. Humans or animals, anything living, they didn't dare go in here. Anyone who loomed close to this house would feel uneasy and scared. Who, or why, was someone or something in here?

Curious, Drew flew outside. It was a person with a hood, his hands in his pockets, head lowered. Drew approached them, but stopped as the person, a boy, looked up, hopefulness evident in his eyes. 'J- Jake?' Drew could feel himself tearing up again, so happy to see him visiting. He quickly blinked back the tears. Nobody needed to see him crying.

"Drew? Uh..." Jake paused, "If you can hear me, could you show it somehow? Knock something over I guess."

Drew's face fell as the voice he had heard before spoke once again.

"You may not alert him of your presence, Boy," the voice said, "Do not find a loophole. Consequences are in store for anyone who dare disobey."

Drew wanted to ignore him, let Jake know he was here, and suffer the consequences. At least Jake would be happy to see him. That was all Drew needed at the moment, to see Jake smile. But... his own safety. He didn't know what the voice was capable of. Jake's pain may be the consequence.

Well, decision made. He wouldn't let Jake know he was here, despite desperately wanting to. He saw Jake's eyes lose the hope in it, replaced with what seemed like sadness that would never end. Jake looked around for something, and spotted Drew's body in the corner. He smiled sadly and walked towards it, Drew following behind him.

Jake sat down and touched the dirty hand of the corpse. If Jake smelled the stench of the already rotting and decaying body, he showed little sign of it, though Drew was sure he saw a small squirm.

"Hey Drew," Jake muttered, "I guess this is the closest I can do to visiting you."

Drew's eyes softened with sorrow, "I would have done more..."

"I might not be able to visit again," Jake sighed, not hearing what Drew had said of course, "I think the police might suspect me of killing you."

Drew's eyes widened and he looked around, panicky, to try and find where the booming voice had been before. He wanted to make a deal, a compromise, so that he could accompany Jake, help Jake, do whatever he could for Jake to have a better life. A life he never had. A... A life where he would move on from Drew's death and forget about him. Drew stopped looking around as that thought entered his brain. It stung like Zoey's betrayal. Jake wouldn't forget about him... right?

"I'll always love you," came Jake's voice, "I always will. I wish I could have confessed."

'He... loved me back?' Drew's eyes widened, 'I thought all those... romantic gestures he did before were only just friendly bromance. All those pet names and declaring love for each other.' Drew felt himself grow bittersweet. Jake loved him back, not just as a friend.

"I love you too, Jake," he smiled.

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