Chapter 5

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Drew watched as Jake continued to sit on the cold tiling, holding Drew's lifeless hand. He was no longer speaking, just staring, almost as lifeless as the other corpses Drew had seen around the mansion. Jake's eyes were the epitome of suffering and mourning. Drew wanted so desperately to give Jake the happiness he deserved. Jake shouldn't be crying over his body when his soul was next to him.

Drew's head tilted upwards as realisation hit. He was a ghost, he had powers no living being had. He could use them to find that booming voice. Drew frowned, pursing his lips. How would he harness the powers though? It wasn't like he had tried to do so before. He felt no need to waste his time on that. However, now he supposed he needed to try it. He closed his eyes, and imagined the entire mansion. It seemed smaller and less daunting in his vision, rather than actually seeing it in person. He wouldn't say it looked inviting, however.

Drew pictured himself teleporting all throughout the house, in the smallest crooks and crannies, and in the largest chambers and halls. He heard a whistling sound in his ear, well, whatever you would consider a hearing source for a ghost since he didn't exactly have a body, more so an ear. He opened his eyes and felt himself quickly zooming in each room, and teleporting out just as quickly into another. Finally, in a large, grandeur bedroom, he saw a large being staring down at him.

Drew jerked backwards, surprised to have seen such a large spirit. The spirit folded her arms. The fact that the spirit was a woman caught him off guard. The voice... it seemed so deep and masculine. Did ghosts have the ability to change their voices on command?

"Who are you to dare try and find me," the spirit glared. It was not even spoken as a question, it was a statement, a demand.

If Drew had had a body, he would definitely be trembling with fear, no matter how hard he tried to suppress it.

"I- I just wanted to negotiate with you," Drew stuttered.

The spirit's eyelids drooped slightly downwards, making her glare even more intimidating. Her eyebrows raised questioningly.

"What might it be?" she asked.

"My friend... Ja- Jake Sterling," he tried to meet the spirit's eye, but failed and looked down once more, "I really want to uh... talk to him. He's sad."

The woman frowned. She looked confused, now looking less powerful. 'So she wasn't some almighty entity that ruled the house,' Drew told himself, 'She doesn't know everything.'

"I have heard about you before, and I would never expected someone like you to have empathy," the woman said.

Drew was taken aback. People had come to tell her about him? But who would come here and talk to her? The fact that people had managed to enter this household and find this woman just for the sake of telling her about Drew seemed rather odd.

"May I ask... what is your name?" Drew muttered quietly.

"Speak up, Boy," the woman snapped.

Drew felt himself move away unconsciously, but nevertheless he asked in a louder voice, "May I ask what is your name?"

"Why do you want to know?" the woman questioned, her voice still harsh.

Drew gathered his courage to speak back. He was tired of being pushed around by some spirit. He was independent.

"Because I want to know what you have against me! Who are the people who came to you about me!" he yelled in frustration, "WHY DON'T YOU WANT ME TO TAKE CARE OF MY... FRIEND?!"

He glanced up at the woman, hoping her reaction to his outburst wasn't terrible. However, to his surprise, her eyes softened and she genuinely smiled.

"All the descriptions about you were calling you cowardly, petty, ill-mannered, unsympathetic. I see that you are better than that," the spirit shrank into his size, looking welcoming, "My name is June Austin, you must know my daughter and Zander Wickham."

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