chapter six

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the days had passed by quickly and it was now friday, the day of the big 'welcoming' party.

y/n wasn't surprised that her first week of university had gone by so fast, she had expected it to be how it had gone; full of excitement and packed with millions of new things. she maybe didn't expect some it it, like the part where she was kicked out of her dorm, by a certain someone, before the first day had even really started.

but nonetheless, y/n was loving university. apart from the place being perfect for the courses she was studying and where she wanted to go after, the uni life just fitted her perfectly.

being around people the majority of the time and always having someone to talk to was one of the main things she loved about it. it was a big contrast to her previous home life, something that she was glad about. after It happened, home had never been the same. it was lonely and y/n was happy to not feel like that day after day anymore. of course she had had yoongi who she was eternally grateful for, but still, there was only so much he could do.

speaking of yoongi, he was currently across the room from her, participating in a 'heated' debate with jimin who was another one of their friends. (hers too now, apparently) except it wasn't really a debate and the majority of it was just yoongi trying to provoke jimin. which he seemed to do often. jimin was speaking passionately with big hand gestures while yoongi stood passively, leaning against the kitchen counter with his arms loosely crossed. this was also often how it ended up.

"hey namjoon, what's the plan for the party thing tonight?" she called too him. he was sat on the couch opposite to her, going over some of his music sheets. he looked up at her.

"i think the plan was that we all go together, as in us guys, jimin will most likely bring along taehyung, and sana and chan if you want?"

"yeah! good plan, let's do that. i'll text sana and chan now."

y/n grabbed her phone from where it lay beside her and opened up sana's contact. she started typing when namjoon spoke again, but he spoke fast. too fast for y/n to understand.

"sorry, what was that?" she said.

"jungkookwillprobablycomewithustoo." he said it as though he dreaded to say the words. which he did after seeing that look pass over y/n's face.

"i really can't escape him, can i?" she said, exasperated.

"uh doesn't seem like it by the look of things."

"not helping." she gave him a look with her eyes that stopped him. he immediately looked apologetic.

"ugh sorry, i shouldn't be taking it out on you. i just really can't stand that boy." she said, regretful for making him feel bad.

"look, y/n... i know you don't like him, and fair enough, he hasn't acted the best towards you-"

"the best? he kicked me out of my dorm on my first day!"

"i know i know, sorry. i just.. take it easy on him okay? you don't know the full story." he said in reply, setting down his work.

"and why don't i know the full story? because none of you will tell me! none of you, not even yoongi, will tell me anything, do you not see how unfair that is?"

"y/n, he- "

"he kicked me out of my dorm with no reasoning, acted like a dick to me ever since and now you're telling me to 'take it easy on him'?"

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