chapter five

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play later on..

another few days had passed since the movie night at yoongi's dorm and y/n hadn't spoken to jungkook since. well not properly. they continued to throw remarks at eachother when they passed in the hallways, and stare daggers at the other when they saw them, but they didn't engage in a proper conversation. which she wasn't exactly complaining about; even with what happened that night she still couldn't stand the guy and his self righteous attitude.

in the last few days she had also spent some more time with sana, who she was starting to really like. she knew they were going to be close, was just going to take a matter of time.

sana had also introduced y/n to her friend chan, who she had also taken a liking to immediately and gotten on well with. he was extremely sweet but in a charming, funny way. y/n was happy that she was branching out and making new friends separate from yoongi's. she did count them as her own now but still, this felt different.

start playing !! :)

right now the three of them were in a cute, independent coffee shop that was right on campus. it was y/n's favourite recent discovery, the place had plants on every visible surface, mismatched wooden chairs and tables and a cute wooden, counter at the front where there were high stools to sit on.

they were sat near the back, their table between a big potted rainforest plant and a life size cut out of paul rudd that was there for no apparent reason.

the majority of the staff were uni students if you couldn't tell.

"so y/n, any change with the dorm situation?" sana asked.

"nope. still staying at yoongis and that lot's, there being super generous."

"huh, weird. can't believe he hasn't let up by now."

when y/n had told sana, and chan, about the whole 'dorm situation' with jungkook, they had been just as confused as her. considering he had no reasoning and had been so rude about it, they both understood her reaction.

"yeah i know right? anyway he acts like such a dick most of the time so i'm kinda glad i don't have to room with him." she shrugged as she spoke.

"fair enough, but he's seriously attractive." chan interjected into the conversation from his attempt at studying.

"yeah that's true but his attitude ruins it, if only he wasn't so fucking rude." she sighed.

"anyway enough talking about jungkook, i have exciting news." sana said after taking a sip from her coffee and flicking her hair over her shoulder. they both gestured for her to carry on.

"y/n gets to experience her first uni party on friday!"

"ahhh no way! very exciting news, where is it?"

"well it's like a yearly event, to start off the year. everyone part of it and opens there dorms in the building chosen, it's honestly so fun. you're gonna really enjoy it, trust me."

"oh my god you're joking, that sounds so cool?"

"it is! you talk to so many people you never would of before, and plus, free drinks." chan added.

"both as equally important, obviously." y/n said back, earning a laugh from them both.

for the next hour they continued to chat, about everything but nothing at all at the same time. it was all lighthearted, just what y/n needed.

after the hour passed, y/n had to leave for her guitar and songwriting class. it was only a short session and most of it was pretty much all independent work, which she looked forward too.

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