Chapter 21: You Can't Escape From Your Fate

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~14 Days Until The Prophecy~


"He did it!" cackled a women with no eyes and yellow teeth.

"He said the words!"

"He didn't say 'I love you' to her already, did he?"

"He did!"

"But Sister Brenda, that means...." the second Sister of Fate paused, her empty sockets growing wider, a nasty smile spreading across her face.

"It's time!" squeaked the smallest and youngest Fate.

"Get her string out!" sang the first Fate, Sister Brenda. She was beyond excited. The key moment of the prophecy had finally arrived.

"What's her name again? Felicity Potts?" the second Fate, Sister Yvonne asked.

"I found it!" thrilled the third, Sister Agnes, and if her eyes were in her sockets, they would have been shining.

"May I?" asked Sister Brenda.

Sister Agnes handed the thread over to Sister Brenda.

She examined it, slowly taking her famous scissors out.

"So much potential in this woman. An artists she could be if he had not uttered those three words. She could have had a life without him, marrying a man she would meet examining her paintings in a museum. So full of life, so pretty, but...." Sister Brenda laughed and placed the eyeball into one of her sockets.

"That fate just isn't hers anymore."

And then she cut the silver thread, sentencing Felicity Potts to certain death.



Alex gasped as the vision ended, his head a throng of thoughts as he stared the bookshelf in the secret room.

The Fates...



He buried his head into his hands, his heart pounding. How could he have been so ignorant? He had said the words that the prophecy had stated he would. He could have avoided it, he could have saved her.

He needed to get to her now.

He needed to get to her before it was too late.

He stood up and flicked his wrists, summoning the shadows, feeling the familiar feeling of them swirling around him taking him away. In seconds he was in her apartment, his eyes scanning the surroundings.

It was empty, and everything seemed normal.

Then he heard a scream.

He sprinted into the small hall of where the her rooms were. There were only two doors, one to the guest room, one to her room.

He made a beeline for her room, but it was locked, and he ended up hitting the door, head first.

Cursing, he broke the handle with the shadows and ran in, only to be met with a gruesome sight.

Oscar the vampire, covered in blood on top of Felicity, her body unmoving.

Time froze in that moment, or it went slower at least. It seemed to take forever for Oscar to turn around, and when he did, he smirked at Alex, his red eyes gleaming.

"You killed my queen." he cackled, blood dripping from his mouth.

"Now I have killed yours."

"NO!" Alex roared summoning the shadows around him, anger pulsing through him, his whole body turning into a furious storm.

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