Chapter 6: I'll Keep You Safe

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When Fliss woke up in Alex's bed once again, she considered her options.

A) Run away

B) Call the police (but who would believe her?)

C) Move out of Baltimore, shave her head, and change her name.

But before she could even choose one, Alex was by her side, his arms folded and an amused smile on his face.

"You drool in your sleep, did you know that? I think you nearly choked on your own saliva a few minutes ago." he chuckled, his dark eyes gleaming.

She scowled at him.

"Don't think that I won't kick your balls in."

He laughed.

"A mortal girl against one of the most powerful Necromancers in the Other World? Hmmm....I'm intrigued to see who will win this battle."

She rolled her eyes.

"Just because you have super powers, it doesn't make you stronger." she grumbled.

"But it does make me better, and slightly more attractive, don't you think?"

"I think it just makes your big head even bigger."

"Ouch. Why so cynical?"

"I'll answer that question after you explain why you're an arrogant bastard."

"Really? You really want to call me that when I'm the only one who is willing to protect you?"

That threw her off her game, and he knew it.


No way was she going to let Alex protect her from Immnudus. She would rather be unprotected if it meant Alex staying away from her, and besides, she was still slightly embarassed that he had been following her.

She shook her head.

"Thanks, but I don't need your protection." she huffed.

He gave her a surprised look.

"Wait, hold on. Did you just decline my offer?" he asked, sounding horrified at the fact that she had rejected him.

She laughed coolly and jumped out of his bed.

"What's wrong? Has nobody ever rejected the famous Alex Gaskarth before?" she sneered, her eyes like slits.

It was his turn to scowl at her now, and she felt a prickle of satisfaction run through her because she had actually made an impression on him.

"Fine. If you don't want my protection, then don't take it." he said, his voice sounding irritated. He turned away from her, so that he was facing the wall.

"Well...good. I wasn't asking for it anyway." she snapped.

He let out a low growl.

"Just get out of here alright? You've already caused enough damage." he hissed, whipping around, daggers shooting from his eyes.

She inhaled sharply.

"Fine. I hope that I never see you again. All you've done is brought unnecessary chaos into my life!" she yelled at him.

"Yeah, well, I'd say the same to you!"

"Stay out of my life, alright? You and your freaky shadows!"

"My pleasure."

She curled her hands into fists and left, using all her power to slam the door as hard as she could.

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