Chapter Fourteen - Allister.

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Allister's piercing scream resonated throughout the shop.

Too bad Noah was the only one who heard it.

He slashed uncontrollably at his one and only friend. Allister jumped back a foot as he saw his crazed companion lunge towards him. The knife inches away from his chest cavity. Allister pleaded, trying to helplessly ease his friend's outburst of unregulated emotion. Noah chased him around the shelves and items precariously stacked on display in the center of the shop. Noah's rage fueled his every move as he tried so desperately to do something to his friend.

Although, he couldn't. Allister came to this realization in a brief moment of Noah catching his breath. He stood up straighter, catching his own breath before speaking. His tone on the brink of arrogance.

"Noey, Noey, I'm sorry! Please, put the knife down and we can talk." He approached, slowly, hands up in defeat. Noah, ravenous and feral, only pointed the tip at his only friend.

"Don't." He spoke cold and low. "You know what you said." He came closer, the blade of the weapon so close to the throat of his friend. Allister looked into his eyes, fear and curiosity dancing in his expressions. "She loved me." With each word he came just a little bit closer, and Allister moved just a smidge away.

He lowered his hands, sighing. "If we could please, please talk about this like rational people!" He pleaded, the lightness of his demeanor morphing to a heavy weight in his voice. "Noah."

Noah came a step closer.

"You're like a brother to me."

He stopped. Those words weighed on both his mind and soul. His eyes softened for a moment. All the time Allister needed to pull the knife away and embrace his companion.

Allister held him tightly, whispering apologies and thank yous, but Noah didn't let his emotions loose. No tears fled, no confessions were uttered. He just let his friend hug him.

Somehow, Noah was able to hug back.

He could feel Allister.

He could feel Allister.

As if a switch flipped in his brain, he commanded the tears to flow. He only needed a few. He gripped onto Allister's shoulders, letting them stain his shirt. He pulled away, looking at his friend with red eyes as he sniffled, ready to explain himself.

"Forgive me, Al." He started, wiping his eyes with his hand. He laughed dryly, his other hand moving down to the hand which held the knife. "My emotions never cooperate, as you know."

Allister's lips quirked up as he let out a sigh of relief. "We'll get through this, you and I." He pulled him back into a hug, slapping his back like brothers do.

It was only after he hugged Noah did he realize the knife was gone.

Until it showed up again rammed into Allister's stomach by the man he thought he could trust.

That man showed no remorse as wide-eyed Allister begged silently for a reason why he'd done this. The small victory he felt after Allister collapsed onto the floor almost disturbed even himself.


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