Chapter 19

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Lisa's P.O.V.

I was on Jungkook's lap straddling him while our lips were connected. Jungkook held onto my waist and squeezed it. I moaned I to the kiss after Jungkook started to suck on my lip. Sadly the moment had to end when my phone rang. A groan left my lips and I got the phone out of my pocket.

Me: "Hello?"

Mother: "Miley is awake. Is Jungkook with you? We were trying to call him"

My heart sank. Not that I didn't want Miley to wake up but why now? Now I was starting to feel better and started to like Jungkook.

Me: "Actually, we crossed paths so—"

Mother: "Tell him to come quick"

Me: "Um, ok mother"

I ended the call and looked at Jungkook.

Me: "Miley woke up and my mother wants you at the hospital"

Jungkook rubbed my waist and had a pout on his face.

Jungkook: "Things were getting spicy and I want it to continue"

Me: "If it continues then my mother would call and ask what is taking so long"

I tried to get off of Jungkook but he tightened his grip on my waist.

Jungkook: "Can we have five minutes at least?"

I looked at the time and sighed. Five minutes wouldn't kill anyone. I kissed Jungkook again while running my fingers threw his silky hair. It seems like Jungkook wanted to speed things up and bit my lip. He  shoved his tongue in my mouth and I suck on it. Jungkook's kisses went down to my neck and I tried not to moan while I spoke.

Me: "You better not give me any hickeys Jungkook, we are leaving soon"

Jungkook: "I won't give you any even though I want to give you some"

Jungkook's kisses went up to my jaw and I felt him starting to suck to I quickly pulled away.

Me: "Times up and you ruined it"

Jungkook: "Nooo"

Me: "I told you not to make any hickeys but you didn't listen. Time to go"

I got off of Jungkook and waited for him at the front door. Jungkook slowly walked to the door and he had a pout on his face. I rolled my eyes but I couldn't help but smile at his cuteness.

I opened the door and we went to my home to get my car. We got into my car and left to the hospital. Jungkook was trying to make moves while we were on our way to the hospital.

Me: "Jungkook, keep your hands to yourself. You know its dangerous to distract the driver"

Jungkook kept his hands to himself and I smirked. Why is he so submissive?

We arrived to the hospital and I had Jungkook go in first so nobody could get suspicious. After a couple of minutes, I left the car and went to Miley's room. She was awake and looked confused. When she saw me, her expression changed to an unknown expression and didn't say anything.

The room was quiet but then a buzz came from my phone. I took it out of my purse and saw my contact, Ms. Lee.

I put my phone back in my purse and looked at my family

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I put my phone back in my purse and looked at my family. Mother was trying to comfort Miley and father was talking to Jungkook.

Father: "After Miley gets discharged, could we discuss about your future family to take over the company?"

This is my time to leave.

Me: "I have the go but Miley, I hope you get better. I know we are not on good terms but you are my sister and I care about you"

I walked out of the hospital and drove home to change into more appropriate clothing for the meeting. I freshened up and changed into something else.

I put on some basic makeup on and put my red hair into a formal bun

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I put on some basic makeup on and put my red hair into a formal bun. I left the house and went to my company. Secretary Lee lead me to my office so I can organize some files and she told me why they wanted a collaboration with me.

Time Skip

After the meeting, I looked at the time and it was 16:37( 4:37 p.m.). Work ends later so might as well get some papers done and plan on working on a new dance and dropping Hoseok's solo.

I heard a knock and a sigh left my lips. I am overwhelmed by the long meeting and my schedule is starting to fill up.

Me: "Come in!"

The door opened revealing Secretary Lee and my father???

Me: "Father, what are you doing here?"

My father has been distant after what happened in Thailand. I was closer to my father than my mother but we didn't have the father daughter love, we were more professional and agreed most of the time.

Father: "I see that you are burying yourself into your work"

I gave secretary Lee a signal to leave.

Me: "Well, I guess it runs in the family to get caught up in work" I gave a tight smile before looking at the files on my desk.

Father: "I always knew that you were more like me than your mother"

Me: "Ok, so why are you here? I know that you didn't come here to have a nice conversation"

Father: "I have been observant and couldn't hope but notice that Jungkook has something for you"


Me: "And that something is?"

Father: "Feelings. I can understand why because of the difference between you and your sister"

Me: "Why are you telling me all of this. It's not my fault that he feels this way." I paused and make eye contact to my father. "Are you trying to have mother and Miley against me?"

Father: "Absolutely not! I just wanted to know if you feel the same way"

Me: "Why is that?"

Father: "Because I know you felt some type of way when I brought up about Miley and him making a family"

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