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It's been about a week since Mother Miranda took me away from the village. I really like her she's sweet to me. Tho i do have to take care if rose. I really don't like kids. But i can tell this kid makes her happy so i take care of her.

I'm in the middle of watching rose. Miranda walks in she never comes into my room. "Hey mother Miranda? Whats up?" I ask looking at her. "What have i told you" she ask. "Oh sorry What's up Miranda?" I ask

She lets sigh and i smile. *god i really like this girl. I really wish i could tell her how much i tell h-* my thoughts are interrupted

She looks at me. "You know i can read your mind right?" She says. I blush hard as fuck and look down at rose. *Well fuck me.* i think.

"I will fuck you if you want." She says and i just short-circuit "Djidiaoekospzjxjx" is all i can say.

We all need love (Mother Miranda x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now