Wait what?!

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I look up at her with a blush. I probably look like a fucking tomato. The things this woman does to me. I really like her yes. But omg does she have to be so fucking hot?

She and i talked for about an hour after what happened. I don't know why and dont beat me up or anything. I told her no! Like wtf is wrong with me! And she looked disappointed!!

*please Fuck me mother Miranda... please.. like why are you hot UGH* and I forgot she could read my mind and i hear her laughing.

"Whats so funny Bird?!" I ask/yell at her. She's still laughing but she calms herself down. "Your mind is such a mess. Thoughts of fucking me, thoughts of watching little rose, more thoughts so me." She says and looks at me.

"Stop reading my mind!!" I yell at her that's where i fucked up. She walks right to the bars and grabs me by the shirt and pulls me super close to her face. "I. Do. What. I. Want." She says looking a little pissed.

"Yes Miranda.." i say looking at her. I see a smirk grow on her face and i blush more she pulls me closer. *i know she's messing with me but please kiss me. Please.. i beg!* i think. She looks at me lets go of my shit and walks off.

*thats it!* i say as i sit against the wall and go back to watching rose. I hear her talking but i have stopped paying attention. I'm really pissed off at her. I'm not gonna talk to her again. I'm so tired of this stupid game!

I hear the cell open i dont even bother looking up ans i just let rose play with my fingers. I feel a hand on my shoulder and push it away. I hear a sigh. "Y/N?" I hear her say. "What." I ask coldly. "I'm sorry i messed with you." She says

"Wait what?! Mother Miranda doesn't apologize!" I say looking up at her. Then she grabs my shirt ans kisses me.

We all need love (Mother Miranda x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now