Love? <Part 1> smut

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Smut. That's all i got-

Miranda put the rose up and sit back in my lap. She pressed her lips against mine and let her tongue slide into my mouth. While she slowly undressed me. I lifted my arms so she could take off my shirt. She took off my shirt and pants and looks at my body.

I'm in a baby blue bra and black underwear. I go to cover myself but she stops me and grabs me softly. She smiles and whispers softly. "Lets have some fun."

She traces her hands down my body softly. Before taking off my bra and kissing my breast softly. I try to say something but she bites softly and i cant even talk.

She kisses down my breast to my stomach to my panties and looks at them and smiles "someone's wet" she says softly. She starts to bite them softly. Pulling them down to my knees. Then she slide them the rest of the way off with her hands.

The desperate pleas i made gotten a little louder as she slips her tongue inside the heat. "Tasting you is better then any wine" she says into me. I blush and holds her head down there but she stops.

"M-Miranda.. pl-please..!" I beg. A smirk came across the woman between my legs face. She guides her tongue upwards into my clit, flicking it around. I held Miranda's face down there with one hand and with the other digging my nails into her back.

Miranda started to rise her tongue all over me. I gasp softly and moan a little louder then I wanted to. I started whimpering. "M-Miranda... I-I'm g-gon.." I can't even finish as she makes me come to my climaxe.

She chuckles and smirks softly as she lifts her head. "Good girl." She says. I smirk. "Your turn!" I flip us over and have my fun.

We all need love (Mother Miranda x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now