Romano and Spain (Spamano)

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Authors note: I am so so so sorry! I have been offline for a very long time dealing with some issues in my life and I am now back. I hope to be updating quite a bit here soon <3

Headcanon: Romano always wanted to have a child of his own. Even after he realized he loved Spain, it was still heartbreaking to see parents playing with their children knowing he could not have one of his own. Romano just wants to be a papa.

My opinion: I cannot express the Spamano feels this gave me like omg yas. I am a major Spamano shipper and this is like icing on the cake! I mean honestly even with his sarcastic and rude behavior, we all know it's for a reason, a very obvious couple of reasons actually. He would be a good papa. <3

If you have a suggestion for a character head canon, or a head canon of your own that you would like to submit, feel free to do so by messaging me. Until next time~


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