Counting Stars - Cordelia Goode

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POV ~ Reader

Delia and I have been dating for six months now and to say it's been the best six months of my life is an understatement. She's kind, caring, beautiful and not to mention incredible in bed. We first met when I arrived at the academy 2 years ago, for me it was love at first sight; her beautiful hair, eyes and lips drew me in straight away and I was hooked. I'd spent over a year trying to get her attention and even though she would sit and listen it was never going where I wanted it to, until that night, about six months ago, when I finally admitted my feelings and her response shocked me to say the least.

six months ago

We were sitting outside, on a dark summer night, around mid July. We'd brought out blankets, snacks and we each had a book in hand; it was just perfect. I didn't want to ruin the atmosphere but a question, or rather a statement was burning in the back of my mind. Does she like me back? It was probably obvious to others that I had a massive crush on the supreme, but to the leader herself, I was just friendly. Surprisingly no one had brought up the fact that my eyes would linger on the supreme whenever she was in the room, maybe I was more subtle then I gave myself credit for. Lying there then, the question was like an itch, something that wouldn't be satisfied until I had asked it. So I did.

"Delia, can I ask you something?" I turned so we were facing each other "Sure sweetheart what is it?" I loved it when she called me sweetheart, it made me feel so safe and loved, "I um th- the thing is I- I like you and I- I know you don't feel the same, I just couldn't hide it anymore" I couldn't look at her, I was ready to get up and run but she placed her hand on my face, slowly caressing my jaw with her thumb. The pause was long but then she said "I know Y/N, I have done for a while. I- I feel the same, I just didn't know what to do" I was completely shocked, I actually gasped. We both sat up, knee to knee and I slowly leaned forwards, she didn't hesitate in grabbing my face with both hands and placing her lips on mine in the most warming and loving kiss I'd ever felt. "Well I think that's what you should have done" I said when we broke away for air "Yes definitely sweetheart, can I kiss you again?" I didn't even reply, just pushed her slowly to the ground so I was straddling her waist and kissed her with the most amount of passion I could gather.

back to present

"Y/N, sweetheart, where are you?" Delia shouted up the stairs to me "Up here baby, in our room" I opened the bedroom door more and poked my head out into the hallway as my girlfriend came up the stairs. "Hello there gorgeous, what are you up to? I led her into the bedroom to show her what I'd been doing "Um I might of been looking for an outfit for tomorrow and kind of took out my whole wardrobe" I looked down at the ground thinking she was going to tell me off, but she grabbed my chin with her middle finger and thumb and said "It's okay baby, we can look together if you want?" I looked around the room and turned back to her with a smile "Yes please Dee, I wanted to surprise you but I just couldn't pick" I explained while bending down to pick up some jumpers "It's okay sweetheart, let's have a look shall we" We both gathered all the clothes onto the bed and started to sort through them. Cordelia picked up a tight black dress with a slit down the leg "How about this one beautiful, you'll look amazing" she handed it to me and smirked leaning in closer she said "I won't be able to keep my hands off you, you'll look divine" I started blushing, I thanked her and lifted my hand to put everything back into the respected places. "Wow baby it's hot when you do things like that" Delia grabbed me by the waist and pushed me down onto the bed, leaning down to give me a long, loving kiss.

February 17th (six month anniversary)

It was quite a gloomy day when we woke up, it wasn't raining, it was just dark and cloudy. I sat up in bed slowly, trying not to wake Delia in the process; I knew she didn't sleep very well, it's something both of us struggled with, we were just always so busy and our heads were always full. It was nothing to be worried about, we just struggled to get to sleep some nights and I'd always been a light sleeper so that didn't help either.

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