I love you darling, don't ever forget that - Cordelia Goode

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TW - Panic Attack (it's not very detailed though)

Cordelia had been busy, she hadn't been meaning to avoid you, but things were getting on top of her. She was spending most of her time in her office, reading through papers, replying to emails and just general supreme duties. Cordelia hadn't meant to make you feel worse, she loved you dearly and because she thought you knew that, she hadn't been saying it recently. If Delia looked back on the last few weeks, she would see how badly she'd been neglecting you. It took 5 weeks for you to brake. Not wanting to be a bother you had put it to the back of your mind, but when you woke up for the third week with a cold bed, you decided you'd had enough.

The way you and Delia sleep normally fills the bed, both of you ethier cuddled together, limbs wrapped, or star fished across the whole bed. Waking up like this though made the bed feel huge, too much space and nothing to fill it. You felt your breathing start to pick up, it was an unusual, yet familiar feeling. Your lungs tightening, your heart racing, your hands starting to shake. You tried to call out for Delia, your voice didn't even make it out of the room, using your powers now would be too dangerous, so you picked up your phone.

"De- Delia, w- where are you?" You stuttered down the phone "I'm downstairs baby, what's going on?" Delia could hear your struggled breaths and it clicked "Oh honey, I'm coming up, give me two seconds..." You could hear her rushed footsteps through the phone and then what sounded like a gust of wind, she hadn't even opened the door, just used her powers to swing it open "Oh honey come here, it's alright I'm here now, just breathe for me ok..." She grabbed your hand and placed it over her heart "Can you feel that darling, I'm here, breathe with me."

It had taken you a while to calm down, slipping back into a headspace you'd rather avoid, but Delia brought you back out, she always did. You and Delia had been together for 2 years now, after you joined the coven 3 years ago and gained a massive crush on the supreme, you had decided to go for it, asking her out and to your amazement, she said yes. Your first date had been the best day of your life, she really did care for you, from your first steps in the coven she made you feel welcomed, made you feel like, for the first time in your life, you belonged somewhere. For you it had been love at first sight, for her it was denial, she didn't want to accept the fact that she liked you, but when you asked her out she couldn't resist anymore. Breaking down her barrier had been difficult for you, just like it had been for her.

"Y/N, darling stay here with me, don't let it win." Your eyes had started to glaze over again, Delia noticed everything; whether it was her powers or her being so connected to you, she always knew everything, "Darling come on, there we go, good girl stay here..." She laid herself down and brought you onto her chest, "There you go, just relax sweetheart." She slowly lent forwards to grab the duvet, which in your panic and been strewn across the bed, she settled with you, telepathically sending a message to Zoe saying she was busy and for her to lead classes.

After about 20 minutes, you slowly started to come around, "Hi Dee, w- what are you doing here?" This usually happened after panic attacks, being disoriented with where you are and what happened, "You had a panic attack Y/N, you rang me and then you were out of it for a while..." You visibly tensed, being a bother to someone is always a worry to you "Darling it's ok, do you want to watch a movie?" A beautiful smile grazed your face, "Delia, don't you have to work? I'll be fine." Dee shook her head, you were always like this, "Baby it's fine, you're the most important person to me, everyone else will cope." You rolled slightly, your head falling to rest on her chest, "Can we watch Lilo & Stitch?" Delia had known you would say that, it had always been one of your favourite movies, something you found comforting "Sure darling, shall I get some snacks?" All you did was hum in response, everything that happened over the last hour had taken it out of you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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