Let Me Help You - Cordelia Goode

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Reader ~ Alice or nickname Ally
TW ~ Anxiety, Panic Attack, Self Harm, Blood Mention (brief)

Alice had been struggling with anxiety her whole life, it started off with the 'normal' things, not wanting to talk in front of people, being wary around strangers and feeling sick in crowds; that was until it wasn't the 'normal' things. When it became struggling to get out of bed in fear something would go wrong, when it started to become not going out in public because 'what if someone laughs or she does something stupid' that's when she realised it wasn't just the basics of anxiety but that it was actually becoming a lot worse.

Alice's parents found her floating in her sleep and immediately sent her away to some academy, this academy was about to become Alice's saviour or rather someone in it was...

arriving at the academy (6 months ago)

Cordelia. Cordelia Goode was the headmistress and supreme of the coven. Let's just say Alice was attracted at first sight, she wore long, tight, black work trousers with a white blouse and some rather high black heels. Miss Cordelia was the woman of her dreams on the inside and out, the first day Alice arrived Delia showed her around and led her to her room. Cordelia was an easy person to find out things about, all the basics she shared within the first few hours and nothing was really off limits for her, according to one of the girls, Zoe, she wasn't like that with everyone so she must have taken a liking to Ally quite quickly.

Settling in was difficult for Ally, it's always been hard for her around new people so to be put in a place where she knew no one, well it was pretty much her worst nightmare. Cordelia helped though, she seemed to be good at keeping Madison's mouth shut in situations where she could tell people were really annoyed with her and she would always have a come back for any unneeded 'jokes' that spilled out the Hollywood actress's mouth.

Alice spent most of the first few weeks quiet, not really interacting too much and just letting her body and mind get used to the new surroundings; because being overwhelmed was not a good situation for her to be in.

Which she rediscovered 6 months into her stay...

present (6 months after arriving)

Alice had been given the simple, or what should be, task of showing a couple of new girls around; Zoe was helping her, as Cordelia had said 'I trust you the most girls and you're the nicest with newcomers'. Ally had said yes to doing it, but instantly started to panic. Cordelia had noticed how her face slightly changed colour and how she started to fiddle with the hem of her jumper, but she said nothing and dismissed her and Zoe to go and prepare.

POV ~ Cordelia

Alice had started to shake when I mentioned showing some new girls around, even though she hasn't said anything to me. I knew she struggled with anxiety, the way Alice had acted when she first got here, the way she never holds eye contact; it was all taletelling signs of anxiety. I wanted to ask Ally about it but I didn't want to frighten her off.

Ally and Zoe had left my office, to prepare for tomorrow, I needed to think of something, someway to get Alice talking. I knew it was going to be a difficult conversation and I didn't want to lose any trust, but if worse comes to worse I would prefer Alice not to talk to me then for her to blame herself.

I'd been dealing with anxiety myself for years, being the supreme may give me radiating physical health, but mentally I stayed the same. I just needed to think of a way to start the conversation...

POV ~ Alice

I was stressed, my hands were shaking, my heart was racing and my speech was stuttered. Why did I say yes? What good is this going to do? I've spent a couple of years dealing with this, but since the accident in College, it's gotten worse.

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