Far away

375 1 1

Type: Letter, Angst
Ship: Revealed at the end
Time: 15 minutes ig???

           Daisy, the love of my life.
My soulmate, my everything. We would spend every moment together, you'd steal my favorite sweater.
           All our moments were sweet, and I couldn't imagine how I could live without you.
You've always been there, when my sky fell, when I fell down, when I was down in the dumps and dumped to the side, you've always got me. And I couldn't express my happiness whenever you were around, I was shy.
People called me a simp, I know, I know. But.. you're perfect, it's like- impossible to not fall for you!

          Or, it was..

           I don't want to make this a sad letter, even though you won't read it.

           I always though I wasn't enough, I always though YOU were my other part, the perfect one.  And.. I'm just the dump of the insecurities.
I am insecure. You were always by my side, helping my fears, phobias and my feelings.
When I say you were my everything, I'm not lying! I wanted to give up. And then, you helped me.

         But, you confessed, you opened my eyes, when we met and when you left me. It was for
good, guess we weren't meant to be.
Why did you had to leave me?
Why it wasn't me?


          Sorry, this letter got a little too much emotional than I though.

Daisy, I know you don't want this to me..
..But, I am miserable.

Why did you left me?

                                                                                              - Jake R. Sterling

A/N - To start, my first oneshot ofc!
I really liked writing this, even though I cried writing it lMAO.

Word count: 276

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