Cherries and cats

306 3 0

Type: Fluff, platonic and romantic
Ship: Revealed on the oneshot
Time: 1 hour
Word count: 844

It was a sunny day, a cream haired girl dashed through the path to the local park, as she had a huge grin on her face, and a picnic basket on another,
because she just asked her long time crush out.
Yeah, it was as just friends, but she was pretty sure the teenager felt the same about her, so she might give a try.

Daisy arrives at the park, as she cleans her plaid light gray pants from the little jog.

The girl looks above her, a sign

 "The Cherries Park"

 "This is sure gonna be a cherry day." Daisy chuckles at her own joke, as she walks into the reddish and pink park.


 The cream haired girl arrives at a isolated place, with cherry trees ready for picking, sage green bushes and a lily white bench, looking at the biggest tree of the area. And on the bench, there's the person she likes for a really long time.

 "Hi Hailey!" The baby blue eyes girl says with enthusiasm, the azure-hair girl gazes at her

 "Hello, Daisy." She replies calmly, while a light pink blush appears on her, she returns her gaze to another thing. 
Daisy tries to find here she is looking, "Where are you looking at?" she asks, trying to follow the girl's eyes, as she sits on the pearl bench and gets close to her
 "There's a little cat on the tree-," she replies, but gets interrupted when Daisy gets close "mmBAAAH!" she jumps.

 "Oh my god! Hailey, I'm s-sorry! I d-didn't mean to scare you, I-" Daisy says, flustered as she raises a hand to help the teal haired girl on the dirty floor.

"I-It's fine." She looks away, with a now deep fuchsia blush on her face.

"Sooo," the periwinkle eyes girl continues "You said..?"

 "There's a cat on the tree."

 "Really? Where?" Daisy looks at the tree, and finally locates a tiny little cat, with blue and green eyes, a soft brown and gray fur


 "Aww, he must be stuck!"

 "Ya think, sherlock?" Hailey replies, with her usual sarcastic tone

 Daisy looks at her with a unamused look, as she starts to laugh and grabs her picnic basket. "Let's organize the picnic first, because that's why we are here in the first place." She stats, while she puts the pink checkered carpet on the floor."

Hailey looks at the cat, and to Daisy, "Ok-ay. But we will help the kitty when we finish."

"Alrighty, miss cat-saver!" Daisy jokes, looking at Hailey putting two sandwiches on blue plates.

"Oh, okay, Little Miss Perfect!" Hailey teases back, getting ready to run from the cream haired girl

 Daisy looks at her with a ironic angry face, getting ready to run "Oh, you didn't!" She shouts dramatically while she chases the bluenette, softly laughing at the situation.

"We are done, finally!" Hailey dramatically says, pretending she's gonna pass out from tiredness.

"Quit drama, miss president! We only took 10 minutes." Daisy replies, looking at her clock, which points 4:56 pm

 "Let me just sit for a little bit, I'm tired from running!" The ebony eyes girl replies, while literally throwing herself at the floor, sitting on the edge of the carpet, to not get her pink dress more dirty than it is, while she picks a random bubble tea from the pink carpet

"W-what about the kitty, miss?" She says, with pleading eyes while she gazes at the sleeping cat on the tree then the tired girl

"Let me just drink this- Slurp! -bubble tea and we save him."

 "Alright!" Daisy says, as she sits on Hailey's side, picking one of the two sandwiches. Suddenly, they hear a "bump" on the floor and a soft meow behind Daisy

 "It looks like we don't need to save him anymore." Hailey says, putting the now empty bubble tea bottle on her other side, looking at the cat

"Ownnn! You're even more cute closer!" Daisy pleadingly says at the cat, with the usual 'pet' voice, raising her hand to pet the cat

"What will be his name?" Hailey curiously asks, gazing at Daisy "I don't know." She says, picking up the cat

"Maybe, little Bread?" She says, petting the kitty's head

"What a boring name!" Hailey says, looking at the cat "He have the same eyes as Catra!" She says, amazed with the cat eyes

"Cat-who?" Daisy asks

The bluenette looks at the cream haired girl "It's from She-ra, Catra has lime and blue eyes!" She replies.

"So, let's name him Catra!" Hailey says, picking the cat from Daisy and cuddling him.

"But isn't Catra like, a girl's name?" Daisy asks, again, confused.

"It's better than, little Bread!" She mockingly says at the name the periwinkle eyes girl suggested.

Suddenly, the cat jumps from Hailey's arms and laying between the two girls. The teenagers just look at eachother and starts laughing.

"That means he's our son, miss cat saver?" Daisy jokes, as she continues laughing

 "Shut up!" Hailey says, with a light pink blush on her face again.


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