🌳 six 🌳

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Drew wakes up in the woods. It's not an unusual occurrence, but this isn't usual. It's pitch black. Drew can barely see the trees that are surrounding him. It must be cloudy because it would seem as though there is no light coming from the sky whatsoever. That's when Drew notices a sound. It starts very faint, but it's enough to prompt Drew to sit up and look around. There's really not much to see. The sound begins to get louder, and as it does, Drew starts trying to identify what it is... And where it's coming from. It sounds like it's directly in front of him, so he stands up and starts walking towards it. He's not sure what is making him go toward the sound. He wants nothing more than to run in the opposite direction, but he isn't.

The sound continues getting louder, finally Drew can tell what it is, a woman screaming, at least that's what he thinks it is. He doesn't ponder for very long, because as he continues getting closer, it just keeps getting louder, until the screaming is piercing his ears and he can't even think. She must be close, he thinks, but what seems like an eternity later he is still walking.

The sound is so loud. Is this what going insane feels like? Is this what dying feels like? He can't breathe anymore, he can't feel anything, he can't see anything.

Drew wakes up in a cold sweat. The silence in his room is deafening. The first thing he notices is that none of that was real, the second that he had been sleeping with his face in his pillow. He rolls over and sits up. His room is dark except for the moonlight coming in through the window and the light radiating from his alarm clock. It's 3am.

He sighs, knowing he's too shaken to fall back asleep. He's grateful that tomorrow is Sunday, he's going to be exhausted in the morning.


Danny wakes up on Sunday morning feeling relatively refreshed. He feels quite a bit better than the last couple of days. He's actually excited to see Laura today. He feels weirdly lonely, despite the time he spent with Drew and Kurtis yesterday.

Danny takes a quick shower, then checks his phone. There's a text from Laura.

Laura: hey dannyy! i'm heading out to pick up food soon. i think i could actually pick you up on my way home, does that work?

Danny: Sure! When do you think you'll be here?

Laura: maybe around noon? do you like sushi?<3

Danny: Yeah, sure. I'll eat anything

Laura: anything lol

Danny: ?

Laura: i just think that's a funny thing to say. how about drinks? i'm stopping at starbucks

Danny: Uh nothing fancy. Maybe just an iced coffee?

Laura: milk?

Danny: No, iced coffee

Laura: do you want milk in the coffee..?

Danny looks up from his phone momentarily. Why the hell did he say that?

Danny: Yeah haha I was just kidding sorry

He wasn't.


Laura shows up right on time. She hands Danny his coffee when he gets in the car. It's pretty good. It's a quick drive to her house. Laura lives in a suburb just outside of town. Her house is fairly typical for this kind of area. Beige, two stories, looks like every other house in the neighborhood. Nothing too remarkable about it.

They go inside and bring the food into the back of the house. She has a sun room with glass all around. The light shining in is golden yellow. It's lovely.

A Boy Can Dream ... Drew Gooden x Danny GonzalezWhere stories live. Discover now