....:::: Chapter 13 - Feeling special in the end ::::....

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....:::: 2 years later ::::....

....:::: Lloyds Pov ::::....

It has been 2 years since Kiara has left. Everything has changed since then. Jay and Nya got together. Of course.. Kai and his dad were cautious with that but accepted Nyas decision. Skylar would always hang out with Christina and Aubrey a lot. Sometimes she would be nice for once to Jonathan. They still hate each other's guts. Zane has become like a parent figure us since he would always want us to be safe.

Cole and Jonathan would hang out and have fights outside for 'practice'. while I'm here, doing what I normally do in my life. We all have our moments together as a family. I haven't heard anything about Kai though ever since but he would come out sometimes and spend time with his family.

I was walking inside the monastery with Skylar holding groceries. As we got inside we see Zane and Cole in the kitchen. Cole was pleading Zane something but stopped when he saw me and Skylar.

"Hey guys. Did you get what was on the list?" Zane says.

"Yep. We got everything. Next time we need extra help. Walking up those stairs is a no for me." Skylar says.

"I'll keep that in mind." Zane says. He looked at Cole and rolled his eyes.

"There's more cake in the fridge. Take it." Zane says. Cole was excited and ran to the fridge.

"Whats up with him?" I asked as I started putting the groceries out of the bags.

"He has a thing for chocolate cake. I don't know why but he has an obsession with it." Zane says. Cole looked at Zane and somewhat gave a small glare.

"You weren't supposed to tell them that. Also it's not an obsession. I just love it." Cole muttered before taking the cake out and leaving the area. Zane sighs before helping me and Skylar with the groceries.

As a few minutes of putting the groceries up, I decided to just go to my room and do what I normally do. I just go listen to some music or watch some shows I guess. I do visit my parents some times but I didn't feel like it today. As I was walking in the hallway I bump into someone. My thought went away as I looked in front of me to see it was Kai..

We stood still staring at each other for a moment before I suddenly realized a small tint of pink on his cheeks before looking away. I realized what I was doing and looked away embarrassed.

"S-sorry for bumping into you. I was lost in thought." I mumbled. Kai looks at me and with confusion but shrugs it off.

"It's fine. I wasn't looking either so it wasn't your fault." Kai says. Kai then goes by me and walks away but I stopped him.

"Where are you heading off too." I asked. He turns to me and it looked like he was giving me a glare. I panicked and stepped back.

"S-sorry! J-just wanted to k-know." I said looking down at the floor. I shut my eyes tight so I wouldn't see his face. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jolted and looked up.

"I... I need to prepare something. So I'm in a hurry. I guess.... But it's fine and again it's not your fault. You was just worried about my safety weren't you?" He said. I felt my cheeks heat up before looking to the side.

"Y-yeah I was." I said before I felt his hand move and was in his pocket.

"See you later." Kai says before walking away. I was sitting there thinking about his last words. 💭 What does he mean by later?? 💭 I thought. I brushed the off and headed to my room. I walked down the hallway until I reached a green door.

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