....:::: Chapter 4 - Fun disasters ::::....

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...::: Kai's POV :::...

I woke up feeling fine actually. I didn't get any nightmares last night so that's new. I got out of my bed and went to the closet to change my clothes. When I finished changing I left the room to go to the bathroom. I grabbed a toothbrush and toothpaste and started brushing my teeth. After that I went to go check up on Kiara to see if she was okay. I went in front of Kiaras door and knocked on it. There was no answer so I opened the door to find out that she wasn't in the room. I got concerned on where she went until I heard chattering outside.

    I closed the door and walk my way outside. When I made it outside I see sensei wu and my Friends!?! I was so shock to see my friends here. I then saw Kiara and she ran to me to hug me. I kneel down and hug her back. When I let go I heard awes in the background round. I looked up to only see Christina, Audrey, and Skylar making the awe sounds. I gave them the annoyed look and picked myself off the floor.

"Is this what you mean by I'll see tomorrow morning." I asked sensei wu and he nodded his head.

"Yes this is what I mean and I also think some of them you seen in class or either you talk to them." Sensei wu asked as he pointed at 2 of them. I look to see what he meant.

"Oh yeah I talk to Cole and Zane before. Just not all the time. Also Audrey where is your brother. I thought he should be here?" I said/questioned as I look at them

"Oh no. He said that he wanted to stay and live by himself. So I said okay and walked away to the others." Audrey said.

"Me and Kai only talk when it came to some shitty project." Cole said as Jonathan laughed at the thought of it and Cole laughed along. Zane rolled his eyes and so did the rest of them. Next thing you know sensei wu smacked him in the head.

"OW!! What was that for!" Cole said as he hold onto his head. The others then started to laugh and so did I.

"First of all LANGUAGE! Second of all there is a child in the area we are in and cursing is giving her a bad influence." Sensei wu said. Cole gave him the face as if he was stupid or something.

"Have they gotten their rooms and brought their stuff here?" I asked.

"Yes. While you went to sleep I have went to find them all and told them that they can move into my home or they can just stay and they all chose to come. Because of your friend Christina telling them all that you had a future child and they packed their stuff to leave. Only the girls, and Jonathan that wanted to see. Cole only move cause Jonathan is going to be there and asked Zane if he can come along with him." Sensei wu said. I stared at Christina as she just shrugged her arms.

"Oh.. um ok. Well I am going to go back to my apartment to get some stuff and probably buy Kiara some clothes. I will be out for a long time cause of something." I said as Christina and Kiara gave me a frown cause they know what I meant.

"So please take care of Kiara while I am gone." I said as everyone nodded their head.

"I also need to go somewhere. So please don't make a mess while I am also gone." Sensei wu said as Sensei wu and I started to walk out the large door to leave.

...::: Audrey's POV :::...

We watch as Kai and sensei wu left to go somewhere. Kiara then start to bite her fingers as if she was afraid/worry that something might happen to Kai. So I walk up to her and bend down to her height.

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