Emerald Eyes

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Heyyyy guys, thanks for all your support so far on my stories. These are one shots inspired by the ones I write on my tiktok @natsessence. Most of them will either be wholesome or lowkey sad. I can include other "stuff" yk ;) if it's requested, but that's mainly what my other fic is meant for lol. But any recommendations or suggestions are welcome. Enjoy!

Context: Natasha and you had always been good friends. It's hard not to have a crush on Natasha when she's one of the most beautiful girls you've laid eyes on, but you had always thought she had a thing for Bruce. Until one day, it seems her eyes are only on you.

Emerald Eyes

"Wanda! Help me with this dress, please!" You shouted across your bedroom while reaching behind your back for the zipper. "Coming! Wait, gimme a second, geez, you're so impatient." She replied teasingly while her attention was focused on her curls.

"You don't even need to walk to me, Wanda, you can easily just do a little zip zap with those fingers of yours and you can stop complaining." You said, watching her as she adjusted her hair in the bathroom mirror.

"Oh right, I forgot about that." She giggled in realization and lifted her finger to zip up your dress.

"Thanks, babe." You said appreciatively, the name slipping out of your mouth like second nature. You and Wanda were close, some would say too close, close enough to be considered girlfriends by others. But you and her both knew it was all platonic, bonding over Hydra trauma definitely helped with that- oh and the dead family thing too. Definitely not a good conversation starter but you and Wanda both found comfort in the fact and were glad to have eachother.

She had always reminded you of your little sister. Same sparkle in her eye and same stubborn exterior. They even do the same nose scrunch. It was adorable, and everyday you missed your little sister even more. But the void had been slowly filled by the loving family you had found with the Avengers.

Tony had always teased you about being one of the younger Avengers, but you were glad to have Peter since he beat you by being the youngest. Thankfully, he's fallen victim to being on the other end of the team's teasing instead of you. You couldn't lie either, it's not like you didn't tease Spider-Boy here and there too, it's just so fun watching him get flustered. He can't even form a full sentence, oh you should see him around MJ. The team can't get enough of it. Once Tony taped a recording of him asking her out on a date. Absolutely hilarious. The team and you all have copies of your own.

Steve is definitely the grandpa of the group, old man can't even figure out how to use an MP3 player, let alone a phone. Natasha and you have tried to teach him but he always gets confused and says there's too many buttons. You did, however, teach him how to take pictures and all you can say is, he will not stop. He's started stealing everyone's phones and snapping a million pictures on each one of them. Tony got annoyed of it and modified his Siri voice to start calling him Capsicle. Bucky and you teased him about it until Steve reminded Bucky that he was older than him, couldn't be you.

You were just glad Steve's handle on technology wasn't as bad as Thor's, you gave him your phone once to how him a game and he cracked your screen just by holding it. You didn't mind, knowing that living under the roof of a tech billionaire would easily get you a new one, but Natasha got very irritated for you. She went up to him and flicked his forehead while you laughed at his reaction.

Oh and Natasha. God, she's the most gorgeous woman you've ever laid eyes on. You could spend hours talking about every detail on her face. You knew everything about her, from the way she takes her coffee to the way she absolutely demolishes you in every boxing session you have with her. But as much as you like her, you're pretty sure she has a thing for Bruce. From the way Bruce is constantly around her and their supposed past that Wanda has filled you in on, you've accepted the fact she's probably not into you. But you don't think you could ever let go of the redhead, especially not when you get to wake up everyday and see her intoxicating emerald eyes.

Emerald Eyes - Natasha Romanoff x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now