Sniffles and Cuddles

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Context: After a rainy day spent with Natasha Romanoff, it seems your girlfriend has run a bit of a fever. But with her overbearing girlfriend by her side, your days are full of sniffles and cuddles.

Hope you enjoy this one :)

Sniffles and Cuddles

"Y/nnnnnn," a whining voice erupted from your side, muffled by the pillow beneath her face. Her hands reaching blindly through the sheets and patting them to find you.

You chuckled lightly, twisting your head to the side and shuffling over to snake your hand to her back.

"Baby, I'm right here." You said lowly as your hand continued to softly stroke patterns into her back.

"Umph. Closer." She croaked groggily, still not moving a muscle except for the hand that continued to pat the space between you.

"You just have a way with words, don't you." You teased with an unfaltering grin from your girlfriend's clinginess and her lack of communication. But you would never deny the Natasha Romanoff. You never did, no matter how stubborn she was, you were always a sucker for her pouty lips and puppy faces. You were glad she rarely used them on you because God knows you were whipped enough for that woman.

So you complied her command, rolling to her side and wrapping your other hand underneath her stomach. Your body clung to hers and you took the chance to nuzzle your face into her hair and slide your hands underneath her shirt. Her body felt unordinarily warm against yours and even more across your fingertips tracing invisible lines on her bare skin. You furrowed your brows and moved the hand across her back to her hair, adjusting it away from her face and placing your palm across her forehead. Natasha barely moved, aside from the little movement she made to snuggle her body closer to yours and the soft grumble that left her lips.

"Babe, you're smoking hot."

"Oh?" She smirked, raising an eyebrow and barely lifting her head.

"No, not what I meant- well yeah, you are smoking hot but that's not what I was trying to say. You're burning up." You let out with worry laced in your voice. You released her from your hold to get up but not before she grumbled in displeasure and tugged you back to her side.

"Where are you going?" She groaned childishly while her puffy eyes presented themselves to you and her face tangled into a pout. God, she's cute. You thought to yourself.

"To go check your temperature." You placed a quick kiss to her forehead, feeling a ghosting layer of sweat as your lips reached her skin.

It only took you a few seconds to wander into your bathroom and come back with a thermometer tucked between your fingers. You bent down to the side of the bed Natasha was sprawled across and let your fingertips slowly dance across her cheeks to let her know you were there. She leaned into your touch, a smile playing at her lips even though she refused to open her eyes.

"Open." You said as your hand rested gently underneath her head and held her chin. She complied after mumbling something about bossiness. You slipped the thermometer into her mouth and let it set for a few seconds before it notified you it was done with a beep. You pulled it from her mouth, moving your hands to stroke her hair mindlessly as your eyes scanned the device and read 105°F.

"Yup, just what I thought."

"What?" Natasha questioned, her eyes finally shooting open again to be face to face with your attention focused on the thermometer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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