Professor Lockhart x Student Reader Part 2 "Obliviate"

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The h/s common rooms were quiet. The only noise being the gentle pitter-patter of new rain hitting the windows and the distant noise of students pelting across the courtyard, accompanied by unnaturally high giggles of delight. 

Y/n sat on her bed, lazily reading through her Defence Against the Dark Arts textbook in preparation for final exams. DADA was not her favourite subject- in fact, she did not intend on DADA being one of her final subjects at all, but ended up being roped into doing it by her best friend Cass because quote on quote- "You can't leave a bitch hanging."

The only bearable thing about DADA was the professor teaching it- Gilderoy Lockhart.

You did not know too much about the Professor- just that he had a horde of fangirls in every year of students. Cass always made fun of you for your verbal distaste of the Professor, citing that there was no way you could be so disinterested in such a sexy man- but you always denied it.

 However, your verbal distaste was just that- verbal. Deep down you had a weird fuzzy feeling in your chest whenever you thought of him that you simply could not give a reason to no matter how hard you thought.

The door to your room slams open, causing you to jump.

"Hey bitch!" Cass exclaims, making her way to your bed and plopping herself on the end.

You close the textbook in your hands, knowing it was futile to keep reading now.

"Hey Cass, what's up?"

"Aww, not much, just wondering why the hell you're not downstairs getting some breakfast and instead sitting here in your pyjamas?!? Have you forgotten we get to go to Hogsmeade today?"

"Oh, shit, well yes I did forget actually, but I mean, I was just going to stay here today and study for the exams next week."22

"Aghhhh y/n, you're soooo boring sometimes! Just have one day of fun with me today and I promise I will leave you alone when exams start"

You think about it, the promise of Cass free study time all too tempting to pass up.

"Alright fine, just let me get changed and I will meet you down there in a second."

"Sweeet, see ya bitch."

You roll your eyes and get changed for the day of "fun" ahead of you.


Trudging through the snow proved to be hilariously difficult for Cass to hobble through in her obnoxious high heeled boots, already making it worth leaving your room to witness before your day of "fun" had even begun. 

Cass cursed underneath her breath, coming up with some imaginative combinations that would land her detention in a heartbeat should a teacher hear her.

You went with the smart option of simple leather boots that you vowed must be enchanted, due to the fact they were in excellent condition despite being like 1000 years old. Although this sounds hyperbolic, you would swear it was an understatement.

"Owww! crap!"

You turn to see Cass faced down the snow grumbling even more profanities to herself.

Pulling her up from the snow you help her brush the snow off.

"are you okay?" you ask, knowing it was probably a dumb question.

"Aghhh, I'm cold and wet now!" she replies agitated.

"Do you want to run back and get changed?"

"Nah, let's just get to the old broomy quickly and I can warm up by the fire"

Cass takes off doing a weird mix of a jog and a hobble. You roll your eyes and smile, taking off after your incredibly "interesting" friend.

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