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A/N this is what he wears today

Daddy! daddy! AAAAHHHHH!!! oof! my eyes snapped open at the noise only to find... nothing, wait I glanced over the side of the bed not surprised to see two small children one with midnight black hair the other with sandy blond hair,

 I glanced up at the clock... 3: 00 am, I turned my gaze to the children on the floor glaring in a way only someone who was woken up at 3 AM by little brats is allowed to wear,

what, do you want? I ground out still glaring at them like they had done something to me personally (and if you think about it, they did) usually I would love thee, kids, to no end, but now? when I was asleep only moments before, (and had been delayed on my sleep schedule for work that very night? i think I'm allowed to be mad!) the young lady with black hair pointed at her sister, "she did it!" I gave her a look, "no, no I'm telling da troof" she said till pointing a small finger at her sister

"I waz waiten fow bekfest, bu sisy couldn't wait until daddy came a'so sissy wen to yur room, and wen ta get you bu i try'da stop er...

I stared at her boring into her soal looking for a lie, I sighed, I couldn't tell if she was telling a lie or not, but I could never do that, Li was just too good at lying which, I should be concerned about since she's only 2 years old but, I knew how to lie at that age, so I don't really care, I looked over to the ash-blond girl silently waiting for an explanation,

she glanced around then said "Ummm, that's not how it happened! um, uuuummm" I sighed, that's the thing, Yu can't lie it's just not in her skill set, but she's too nice to rat someone out, and she doesn't want to get in trouble either, sooooo ya, I sighed "shoo let me get dressed" I did the shoo motion with my hands and they giggled and ran out the room "uuuuuuuugggghhhhh" I groaned and rolled out of bed (quite literally) with a soft thump, I lay there a couple of seconds before getting up and going to my dresser, picked up a black v neck T, and a random pair of grey jeans, then went to walk downstairs for a new day to start!

A/N do you notice a pattern at the end of each chapter? comment if you can!

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