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ROMEO: "Dad?"

HARRY: "Yeah?"

ROMEO: "What's this place?"

HARRY: "The cemetery."

ROMEO: "Why are we here?"

HARRY: "To see mum."

ROMEO: "Oh..."

HARRY: "Remember 9 years ago, when you were 7? I told you that your mummy was walking with Jesus in heaven?"

ROMEO: "Yeah...then I soon realised heaven was up there, beyond the clouds, somewhere beyond the universe. Why?"

HARRY: "Nothing..."

ROMEO: "How did mum take his life?"

HARRY: "Louis...you want to know everything about him don't you?"

ROMEO: "Of course, he's my mum."

HARRY: "Could have been."

ROMEO: "I don't care, he's still my mum. Now dad, tell me, I wanna know. Start from when you started loving him."

HARRY: "I have loved him since we were 18..."

ROMEO: "Is that the song you're always singing?"

HARRY: "Yes..."

ROMEO: "I remember the lyrics, long before we both thought the same thing, to be loved and to be in love. You wrote that?"

HARRY: "Yeah, we were so in love...I sang that to him. Continuing, Louis...he was depressed."

ROMEO: "Dad, please don't cry..."

HARRY: "I can't help it...He was my world, I remembered how we would sit there in our apartment, talking about us getting married, having children, he was perfect."

ROMEO: "Dad, I'm sorry...I..."

HARRY: "Every night, he would be in the bathroom, just sitting there for hours, crying, he hated himself, he hated everything about himself when I loved everything about him. When he came out of the bathroom, I could see the cuts on his wrists, so fresh, everyday, there would be new cuts. There were so many. I remembered the first time I saw it. I broke down, I cried, he promised that that would be his last but I knew it was going to be broken. So every night, I would kiss every cut he cut."

ROMEO: "Dad...I..."

HARRY: "He would be so happy, he was my sunshine, he was the one who would light up my world like nobody else. Louis...he was the star that shone the brightest. But behind that happiness, I knew that deep down, was where those demons hid."

ROMEO: "You loved him so much...I would've loved him as much too."

HARRY: "Yeah, I always believed we would have our happily ever after one day. Just maybe one day we would have our happily ever after, but y'know what?"

ROMEO: "What?"

HARRY: "It never came."

ROMEO: "Oh.."

HARRY: "Do you know why?"

ROMEO: "Why?"

HARRY: "Because he died."

ROMEO: "Oh..."

HARRY: "I was on the way home that day, it was even before it turned dusk. I had made a reservation at a restaurant and I was excited. I came home and called his name. I called him but there was no answer."

ROMEO: "Dad, you don't have to..."

HARRY: "I want to. I called him, there was no answer. Thinking he was sleeping or taking a bath, I walked into our bedroom and there he was. My beloved Louis William Tomlinson. He..."

ROMEO: "Dear God, please dad..."

HARRY: "He was there, hanging by the head on the rope, swinging back and forth, chair on the floor. I don't even dare to watch that video."

ROMEO: "So mum hung himself?"

HARRY: "Yeah, he did...let's not talk about this anymore okay? Let's talk to mum, say hi to him."

ROMEO: "Hey mum, I'm your son, I consider you as my mum. Dad misses you a lot. He loves you so much, and so do I."

Don't Let Me Go // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now