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The white haired female starts to stir in her sleep slowly waking up she slowly climes out of her bed rubbing her eyes and slowly makes her way to her Oto-san's room she gently pushes the door open with a mischievous smile on her face she tip-toes into the room. Slowly but gently climes onto the bed as she dives onto her Oto-san while squealing causing the older male to groan and open his eyes to see his beautiful daughters . Her blue and green eyes staring into his blue eyes with a big smile "Good morning Oto-sannnn" he chuckles at her "Good morning Y/n-channnnn" he picks her up and climes out of bed carrying her under his arm as if she weighed nothing the white hair girl giggles at her father antics.

~Time skip Brough to you by Y/n-chans smile~

Yuji and Fushiguro was waiting for their sensei and his daughter to arrive in Takeshita street.Y/n was sitting on her fathers shoulders with her legs over each shoulder with him holding onto her legs while she holded onto his fluffy hair "Sorry for the wait" the white hair male said to them "Oh Your uniform made it in times see." "Yeah it's a perfect fit though it is slightly different from Fushiguro's it has a hood, for one" replied the salmon haired boy "Thats because the uniforms can be customised upon request" said the older male.

while they was having a conversation Y/n was looking round to see what she could munch on as she was a little hungry she spotted a mochi stand and with excitement she waited for them to finish the conversation so she can ask her Oto-san to get some for her she soon zoned back to to the conversation when the salon hair boy said "Hey, popcorn! I want some!" with him running off to get some she lightly tugged on her Oto-sand hair getting his attention "Oto-san can we get some mochi" she asked with the brightest smile on her face he nearly swooned at his own daughters cuteness even Fushiguro had a little smile on his face. "Of course anything for my Y/n-chan" they soon left to get some mochi leaving Fushiguro to just stand there.

with in a couple of minutes they all met back up with the salmon hair boy wearing Rock sunglasses eating popcorn, Y/n eating mochi and every now and then giving her Oto-san one while Fushiguro just stood there with nothing being the little angle she is she asked "Gumi would you like some of my mochi" he looked at the child who was smiling at him "No thank you Y/n-chan but thank you for offering" this surprised Both the white haired male and the salmon haired boy as he was nice to her they soon heard a loud commotion from over the road as they all turned to look.

"Don't run from me! Come out and say it!" said the girl "We're about to go talk to her?" Yuji said "This is kinda embarrassing" "Tsk so are you" the black haired male said "Heyyy! over here" the white haired male shouted over to the girl raising his hand and waving it in the air.

"Kugisaki Nobara, Be happy boys I'm the one woman in your group"The girl said "Im Itadori Yuji. Im from sendai" the salmon hair boy replied."Fushiguro Megumi" "I always get stuck with unfortunate circumstances" the girl deadpanned she took one look and sighed she then looked up to the girl who was still eating her mochi's and asked who is she to with the white haired male replied "she my one and only daughter Y/n-chann" He said while gushing over her which cause the young girl to giggle at her Oto-san. Fushiguro interrupted the moment "are we going somewhere" to which the male turned and looked at him "We do have all three of you together Not to mention two of you are from the countryside so of course we're going on a tour of Tokyo!" "Tokyo! Tokyo! Tokyo! we love Tokyo!" shouted the salmon haired male and the young woman. The salmon haired boy jumping onto the white haired male nearly causing you to fall off you gripped onto you Oto-san hair to prevent that from happening>

Then the light ginger hair woman said "TLD! I want to go to TLD" to which the salmon hair boy replied "Idiot! TLD's in Chiba! Lets go to chinatown sensei!" the ginger haired woman then shouted at the salmon haired boy "Chinatown's in Yokohama!" "Yokohama's part of Tokyo! don't you know that? look at a map!" "I will now announce Our destination" which cause the to arguing teens to stop arguing and they kneeled down on the floor while Fushiguro just looked at them knowing his teachers antics.

"Roppongi!" the older male announced while to two teens copied what he said.

"Theres a curse here." "You liar! this isn't even roppongi!" shouted the two teens while fushiguro just stood there looking at the building "You were toying with us country folk!"

~time skip to where they are about to enter the building~

The white haired female tapped her Oto-san to let him know she wanted to get down he complied and let her down she wandered off closer to the building oblivious to the older adults while they wasn't looking the young female quickly entered the building looking around she shivered hearing foot steps of other people she quickly ran further into the building.

~With Gojo and fushiguro~

"eh where's Y/n-chan" looking around the White haired Male couldn't see his precious daughter anywhere looking at Fushiguro even he didn't know as Satoru though he realised she must of rushed off into the building knowing his only daughter could be in danger he rushed in to find the girl. which was pretty easy for the strongest shaman he found her in under a minute to which she was sad about but soon got over as her Oto-san dragged her out of the building he held onto the child like his life depended on it.

" Y/n-channnn why did you leave your precious Oto-sannn aloneeeeeee" whined the older male "im sowwie Oto-sann I just wanted to see the curses "the little girl whined back in a sad tone which the older male notices "How about we get some f/f after they have finished" the Younger female got all excited and was hugging her Oto-san she soon got off him and went of to hug Fushiguro to which the young male hugged back.

~Time skip to where they exit the building and help the boy home~

"Did you know I get into a foul mood when im hungry?" "when are you not in a foul mood?" which the salmon haired slyly remarked

"We made sure the kid got home Now shall we go grab some food?" the older male said while holding his daughters hand



"Leave it all to me! and you megumi?"

Satoru picks up his daughter and places her on his shoulders again while pulling the other two along "Okay lets go." "huh" fushiguro said while looking up from his phone to see everyone walking away.

"Oh I forgot about my biggest haul of the day. Hey, you go fetch my things." "Huh? why should I do it? I though we were even" "we won thanks to my cursed energy got a problem with that?" "what about my raw strength?" "Your monstrous power from eating weird stuff?" "Its not just that! right Fushiguro!" "hey what to matter fushiguro?" this caused the older male to speak up "He's pouting because he's didn't get to join in." which cause the older teens to laugh and the little Y/n to giggle.

They arrived at the restaurant and was seated at a table with Yuji on one side of Y/n and Satoru on the other side of here while Fushiguro and kugisaki are opposite them everyone ordered what they wanted and you ordered f/f and f/d when it arrived everyone tucked in and with you being four year old made a bit of a mess to which your Oto-san cleaned up while everyone else just though you was adorable.

A mouth and eye popped up on yujis hand which cause you to stare " Oi brat what are you looking at " it spoke you though you grab yujis hand not caring if it was rude and started speaking to it "Are you sukuna?" the young female asked to which the cursed "tsk" the young female then got an idea and said " would you like to try some F/f?" the curse didn't get time to answer as she was already putting stuff in the curses mouth which cause everyones attention at the table "Y/n-chann what are you doing? her Oto-san asks not really caring she said "I'm feeding sukuna f/f" with a bright smile on her face which caused everyone to gush at her even Fushiguro was smiling not that anyone noticed.

After they finished they all headed back to Jujutsu tech everyone went off to there dorms while Satoru carried his sleeping child home.

And that's chapter 2 Finished I hope you liked it this took a bit longer as there was more to write!

Fun facts:

- Sukuna liked the f/f y/n fed him

-Y/n likes curses and wishes she had one as a pet

Word count 1615

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