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"I'll miss you Oto-sannn" said the 4 year old girl while clinging onto Kugisaki's hand jumping up and down "I'll miss you too Y/n-Channnnnnn" said the older male who was pouting at the fact kugisaki, Yuji and Fushiguro are taking you shopping with them.walking away from the male you arrived at a black car hopping inside to see the older boys sat waiting "Moshi Moshi Gumi-chann, Yuu-chann" "smiling at the girls cuteness they greeted her back.

Thanks to Ijichi they had arrived. walking around the place they ended up in a clothing store while Kugisaki was having the time of her life Fushiguro and Yuji was question why they had come even Y/n was a bit bored and being the curious 4 year old she is she walked off from them exiting the stop walking along the street to spot a little fly curse chasing after it not really taking notice of where she was going.

~With Yuji, Fushiguro and Kugisaki~

"E-eh Fushiguro where did Y/n-chann go" questioned the salmon haired boy while scratching his head looking around "She probably went off with Kugisaki" just as the black haired male responded Kugisaki came back with a scowl on her face "tsk I can't believe they didn't have it in my size" mumbled the girl "Uh Kugisaki is Y/n-chan not with you" Fushiguro question "Ehhh she was supposed to be with you guys" they all looked at each other just as they did Fushiguro's phone started to buzz looking down at it he questioned if he should answer the phone.

After answer the phone it was none other then their sensei "Megumii is Y/n-chann there put her on the phone please I miss her" whined the older male not knowing what to say Yuji said into the phone "you can't she in the bathroom at the moment" "ahh ok make sure to send photos I need some more pictures of Y/n-chann" with that being said the call ended the 3 teens realised how much trouble they would be in if Satoru four out they lost his princess they each split up looking for the child she's not hard to miss she has white hair they all though but how wrong could they all be.

~With Y/n~

Not looking where she's going she run into something or more like someone landing on her butt and rubbing her head she soon looks up to her surprise "Nami-channnnn" squealed the girl getting up and jumping onto him and hugging him in the process the male catcher her and hugged her back "n/n why are you here?" the older male asked as he sees no one is with her surely Satoru wouldn't let her walk about on her own " well I kind of got bored and I walked off from Yuu-chan, Gumi-chan and nobu-chan and I was chasing a fly curse that's when I bumped into you" the girl smiled holding onto the male as if she was to let go he wouldn't be there. "hmm do you know where they are?" looking around the girl realised she actually didn't know where she ran off too she sheepishly smiled at the older male lucky for her it was his day off and he was on his way to his favourite cafe.

After arriving and ordering he quickly unblocked someones number and called them "Ah Nanami so nice-" "I have n/n with me" was all the older male said as he  ended the call and blocked the number again there order arrived with a black coffee and a Chocolate milkshake with a dango with a happy smile the child took a bite of the dango "hmm Nami-chan why can't I see you often " the girl asked with a slight pout " n/n you know how busy the shamans are but we can always face-time when i'm not busy" the older male smiled at the girl while the girl lit up in glee. After finishing there drinks and dango's Nanami picked up the child and held her to his chest while he was walking.

~Time skip brought to you by Nanami and Gojo's friendship~

The 4 year old was happily snoozing away In the older males arm he held her in one arm while knocking on the door. The door was soon opened by none other then her Oto-san he was about to be giddy but when he saw you he didn't as he didn't want to wake you he let Nanami in and he walked off to your room to tuck you in as Satoru waited downstairs for him to explain how he found Y/n when she was supposed to be with his students. He soon came back down and after quickly explaining he left as he didn't want to deal with him he could only put up with one Gojo and that was Y/n he quickly unblocked Satoru's number just in case Y/n face-times him.

There was another knock on the door the three teens stood there wonder how they was going to explain how they lost his child they were soon stood face to face with the male "umm ehh how do I explain this we um kind of lost Y/n-chan" Yuji said while having a sheepish smile on his face Satoru being Satoru acting as if y/n wasn't here "What do you mean you lost Y/n-chann how could you loose my child " shouted the older male while the three stood there in wondering if they was going to leave without bruises let alone alive. Satoru was happy he knew y/n was safe and that was cause of Nanami without him finding Y/n he knew he would have been more annoyed then he was now seen as he was acting right now.

Cause of the loud commotion you woke up realising you were in your room you headed down stairs to find Satoru "Oto-sannn" said the girl rubbing her tired eyes to the teens surprise there she was no scratch on her they all let out a sigh they didn't know they was holding out satoru motioned the teen into the house while he walked over and picked Y/n up and held her so she could fall back to sleep he explained to the 3 what happed but was still upset as they did lose the child after they all left he carried his sleeping child upstairs and changed her into her pyjamas trying not to disturb her once done he tucked her into bed and kissed her forehead happy she was home safe and sound he knew he was never letting them 3  take her out shopping again.

This is just a little filler chapter as I kinda wanted a Nanami scene and I though of this today while was out. Sorry its out later then I said but never the less I hope you all enjoyed and sorry for any spelling mistakes please let me know if you see one as I was quite tired writing this! 

Fun facts:

- Nanami see you as his child or like a sister 

- The three amigos was all happy you was safe but sad that they wasn't the ones to find you

- Satoru was happy you wasn't harmed or lost in todays events.

Word count 1227

Next update will be either late Thursday night or midday Friday. 

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