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In the basement of Jujutsu tech were three people a 4 year old, a man child and a teen.

"You're a head above the rest when it comes to close combat Yuji so what you need to learn right now is how to control cursed energy" said the white haired male. The 4 year old took interest at the mention of cursed energy deciding to listen in on the conversation.

"As well as the bare minimum of jujutsu knowledge.....what's the matter?" Satoru asked "Oh I figured you'd be the best person to train me, I'm just so happy I'm weak and I couldn't save anybody worse I nearly killed Fushiguro as I am now I won't be able to face them I want to become strong teach me to be the strongest" Yuji said to his sensei "You've got a keen eye" Satoru boasted.

" Sensei you're the one who called yourself the strongest" with this being said the child deadpanned at the conversation.

~After the explanation of cursed energy~

"There are several methods to train this I'll be having you use a pretty exhausting one"  "L-Like what" Yuji questioned "Watching movies" "Watching movies?" "Yup Everything from masterpieces to C-grade horror films and terrible French movies you'll be watching them nonstop as long as you're awake of course you won't just be watching them."

"You'll be watching them with this guy" Satoru hold up a bear wearing boxing gloves "Whats with the cute but creepy doll?" "It's Cute?" "Uwaaaaaaaaaa Oto-sann I want oneeee" the girl jumped up from the couch with star's in her eyes "Ah Y/n-chann i'll get one from Yaga for youuuuu" He replied to his daughter with that being said she was the happiest child in the world.

Satire hands the doll to Yuji "It's a cursed corpse the principal made" "Ah I knew it! it had his sense!" Yuji began examining the doll squeezing it arms and legs "And? I don't understand what you're getting at here." "Don't be hasty now you'll see soon" with that being said the doll woke up and punched Yuji in his face causing him to drop the doll and squat to the floor holding his face.

"That cursed corpse will wake up and attack you just like that if you don't keep pouring a set amount of cursed energy into it"  "Ow!" "Like I just said we have all kinds of movies available here Heart-throbbers, thrillers, exciting ones, ones that'll make you cry laugh or feel disgusted Your first goal is to watch an entire movie from start to finish without waking the cursed corpse"Satoru said.

"This trains you to maintain a steady output of cursed energy no matter what emotions you feel You cant't use too much or too little" with that being said Yuji picks up the cursed doll and squeezes it "I have it set to the faint level of cursed energy you can produce right now But it'll steadily start demanding greater output so don't let your guard down" The white haired male said while looking at movies.

"I couldn't let it down even it I wanted to" muttered the boy After sorting Yuji out with a film he picks Y/n up and leans her agains his chest while her arms and legs wraps around him with his arms under her to support her Just as he was getting ready to leave the cursed doll punched Yuji while he was drinking his soda causing him to fall off the couch coughing.

"Don't do that while I'm drinking soda!" shouted the boy "Don't drink it then"  Satoru said while holding Y/n In his arms who giggles at this "But you gotta have chips and soda when watching movies at home!" he shouted at the older male "Thats true" which Y/n only hummed to agree with her Oto-san 

"Okay Me and Y/n-Chann have some business to deal with just keep hanging in there " "Will this really make me stronger?" Yuji questioned while holding the doll far away so it won't hit him again. "Oh right did you talk to sukuna while you were dead?"  "Talk?" "When he fixed your heart did he propose any conditions or contracts "  "Oh I think we did talk about something....But I can't remember what it was"  "I see" .

"We have a bit of time before your appointment with the principal did you want to stop anywhere?" Ijichi asked "Its fine I'll show up early for a change" Satoru said while patting his daughters head who was trying to fall asleep as it was past her bedtime and she was getting a little moody all of a sudden Y/n Looked up to her Oto-san when he said  "Stop the car."  "Huh? right here?" 

"Go on ahead" "Huh? A-Are you testing me? You're not going to hit me if I actually go on ahead are you?"  "Just what do you think I am?"  "In that case..." the black car drives off leaving Satoru and Y/n behind "Now..." just as he said that the volcano curse came screaming from the sky landing on the road making a hole cause Satoru to jump holding Y/n In a protective manner.

"Who are you?" Satoru questioned just as he did a volcano head appears at the side of him on the wall shooting lava out at him "Hahahahaha That was easier then expected eh" Mt Fuji said "Who are you...calling easy?" Satoru said in a more serious tone while he had his hand protecting Y/n face even though he hand infinity on. "Brat" the curse replied back "Special-Grades are classified as such because they're special having then pop up this frequently throws everything off" Satoru said "Did I wound your pride?" the curse said while laughing Satoru places Y/n down and she run off and sits on a rock waiting for this to be over "Nope" he replied "Im starting to find this fun" he says while cracking his knuckles.

"Finding this fun you say? no sense of danger at all" "Ember Insects!" as the curse say this bugs start flying towards Satoru "Well if you're coming after me You're right about having no sense of danger what happens if this hits me?"

While Satoru and Mt Fuji was fighting Y/n was playing in the grass getting bored she started to head down to the lake knowing her Oto-san would end up throwing the curse to a more open space carefully making her way down making sure not to trip or fall she see the curse flying into the river and she gets picked up by her Oto-san she see Yuji being held by his shirt.

"Sorry about that." "Where the heck? hey, where are we!?" Yuji says while squirming around "where you waiting?" "That's-" "This is Itadori Yuji-kun  he's here to watch and this little Princess is Y/n Gojo my daughter " Satoru says proudly "Mt Fuji! his head's Mt Fuji!" Yuji shouts while pointing at the curse 

"Why aren't we sinking" Yuji says while he keeps tapping the water with his foot "Sensei I was at the school just ten second ago, right? what's going on here?" Yuji questions "Oh we warped here " Satoru replies while handing Y/n over to him as he won't be able to fight with her in his arms.

What's the two brats for? are they shield's?" the curse questions "Shield's? No no I told you he's here to watch I'm in the middle of teaching this boy lots of things don't worry about him just keep fighting." while this was going on Y/n fell asleep in Yuji arms and she didn't wake up to all the screaming and shouting was because she was overly exhausted even though she didn't do much she's still growing.

Hello everyone sorry this is out late but I hope you all enjoyed this chapter soon we might get to see a glimpse of Y/n Cursed energy. Also how would you all feel about me making. HxH book after I've finished this one it would be the baby Zoldyck please let me know so I can start writing a plot.

And thank you all for reading I can't believe 500+ people have read my book in just a couple of days it means so much to me and please don't forget to vote and leave comments on your opinions! 

No fun facts for this chapter 

Word count 1404

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