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"Wake up....WAKE UP MAN CMON...WAKE. UP." I hear yelling and it progrsivly gets louder just seconds later.
" I told you to get up" I heard with my eyes still squinted. " You need to get dressed y/n" I hear. I open my eyes all the way to see my best friend/Fuck buddy...tho weve only done it about 5 times bakugou.
"Why" I whined in a sleepy voice. " Damn you really dont remeber huh?" he said in a bafled tone. " uh no...". " IDOIT TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY AT UA!"
I jumped up as I slowly rembered. " WAIT WHAT REALLY". " YES NOW CMON"

Time skip to UA

" were here" Katski said " wow..." We both walked inside to be greeted by All might and principal Nezu.
Bokugou and I were esquorted to our room. " 1A " it read. Bakugou and I looked at each other. We both went inside and saw that half the class was already there. I looked at a boy with green hair and freckles, there was one with red hair sticking stright up and talking to him was a girl with all pink skin and horns. There were more but those were who caught my eye. I saw one of my other friends Jirou walk over to the red haired guy and pink girl and I followed. She was never one to fully talk to new people so I knew she wanted me to introduce her. " Hey so your in class 1A to thats awesome" I said trying to start conversation. " Ya im really pumped this so rad...one might even say manly." Started the red haired guy. " hi im y/n and this is my friend Jirou." I inrtoduced. "Sweet im Kirishima and this is my friend Mina" He finished. " Yep Mina Ashido is my name nice to meet you guys!" She seemed very full of energy and I was kinda living for it. " Well its nice to meet you both." Jirou said then right after went to sit in her set seeing how she didnt like to talk very much. " well im going to introduce myslef to other people" I said. '' ok '' they boyh said in unicine.

I talked to the green haired boy whos name was Midoriya than a latino guy whos name was sero and two girls whos names we tsyu and momo.

I sat down after I had gone through alot of the class and waited for our teacher to come in. We waited and waited and waited till we were all mostly confused. We were bafulled till we saw a yellow bean bag roll into the class. Popped out a man with a scar and long black hair. Bakugou yelled " WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU" The man got completly out of the bag and started. ''I am your teacher...Mr. Aizawa" We all looked stright at the front of the room ready for whatever our sensi threw at us. " This will not be a easy class but you guys shoud all know that by now so lets start with attendenc-"
Right as we were about to do roll call we all heard a loud yelling from the hall " WAIT WAIT WAIT HOLD ON IM COMING!" we all looked over in the hallway to see a yellow headed boy with a black lighting bolt on a little piece of his hair. He ran to his chair and was wide eyed. I thought he was kind cute... " Anyways..." Mr. Aizawa began once more for our names. He went on...Izuku HERE Kastki Here Kiriahima Here Tsyu *croke* Here y/n Here. He kept going till the last 2. Todoroki Here Denki the blonde boy who came in late answered HERE.
Denki...thats his name huh? Hes hot. SNAP OUT OF IT. he is way out of my leauge and I could never pull him.

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