Alot to handle

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Bring Bring Bring. I hear my alarm go off for school. "Ughh just 2 more minuets" Bring Bring Bring. "OK Im up jeez" I turn off my alarm and get dressed. I stumble around still tired as I only got 6 hours of sleep. I get my bag and rush out of the house. I lock the door and hurry to school.

Time skip to class

I have been staring off at the wall for a good 15 minutes. "OI YOU GONNA BE DAZING OF ALL DAY!?" I turned arund but I knew it was Bakugou before I did. "Why do you care so much Kast

ki" I knew he didnt like being called by his first name that much but it was so funny seeing hiss reaction. "THE HELL YOU JUST CALL ME" I couldnt handle it I burst out laughing and I could see him start red. "STOP LAUGHING GOD DAMMIT" He slammed his fist on the desk and was acting like a total child. "Ok ok bakugou just stop acting like a 4 year old...and stop acting like were strangers" I didnt wanna go the whole year being yelled at by him. "SHUT UP EXTRA. YK WHAT MEET ME IN THE HALLWAY" He got up and stormed to the hallway. I followed him but I looked around seeing everyone staring at us. "Sup kats" I snicker. "Why are you being like this y/n God dammit your really pissing me off" He emedantly went to a more suddle tone. "Well sorry for not wanting to act like strangers" I look away in frushration. I dont know why he wants to act so intimadating to everyone and it honeslty pissed me off. "I- Nevermind I dont have to explain anything to you y/n. In fact things like this is what makes you get punished"  he gave a devilish chuckle after that. "BAKUGOU STOP. Not here." I was blushing trying not to make him think that I liked it. After all I kinda had a crush on denki. "Your gonna pay for what just happended in the somehow" I wanted to tell him about denki but I didnt. He problembly talks to every girl like that.

Time skip to when class starts

"Ok class wake up and prepare yourselves bc we will be visiting 13 and her lab today" Mr. Aiwzawa announced. The whole class got hyped. "Try not to be to disruptive when we go there and dont brake anything" Everyone went to there locker rooms and got into there gym uniforms. "Alright everyone now that you are dressed you will be partered up....but I will not be doing that.....Find your own partners" Mr. Aizawa said in a mellow yet intertanded voice. I looked around and saw Jirou and denki walking to suprise that Katsuki wasnt. "Hey" Both Jirou and Denki said to me. "Uhem...Hi" They both looked at each other akwardly. "You guys have a partner" I asked knowing they didnt. "HEY Y/N WANNA BE PARTNERS" I looked beside me and saw a green haired boy running towards me. I waited till he got to be panting before I answered. "Uh...sure I dont mind" I said yes to simply brake the tention but...That didnt happen. I saw Jirou give the green haired boy a sly look. "Oh well I was gonna ask to partner up with you but I guess you guys already well yk" Denki said with a almost disapointed tone. Jirou looked around and saw there was no one left. "Well denki I guess its you and me" She didnt seem to happy about it but what else could she do. We all got on the bus and Jirou and denki sat next to me and my partner. "Um Izuku right" I asked "Uh ya..." "Well nice to properly meet you Izuku" He almost turned bright red. "Can I just call you zuku for a nickname" I asked. "Uh...ya...i guess that would be ok" I studdered on his words just trying to say ya. "Well....can I asked you a few quiestions" He asked. "That would be fine ask away" He went on a whole ass list like....Quirk how it works what my blood type is my favorite pro hero my my weeknesses were ect. after I finsihed all the questions we were there. "Well thank you for answering those" "Ya no problem"

Time skip to after the villians come becouse I have like no energy for that

All of us hurt and shaking with pure fear...this was what being a hero was like. All might made it look so easy. And this was the reality. Zuku was in the hostpital so I didnt have a partner on the ride home. The buss dropped me off at my place and I heard Jirou run after me "WAIT Y/N" I staoppped and waited for her. She caught up to me and we walked inside together. "Are you thirsty or hungry" I asked. We both just went through alot and I just wanted to make sure she was ok. "Um....Sure" I made us tea and pb&Js. We finished our drinks and sandwiches. "Are you staying here tonight" I asked. "Is that ok with you...I dont want to walk to my house" She said her voice still full of fear. "Ya its fine" I smiled at her. I walked in my room and got my beed made. I heard a bing on my phone. I liked at it and it waas from UA. 1A wouldnt have class for a week. I assumed Jirou got the text so I didnt tell her. Right as I was about to put my phone down Katski called. I answered. "Hello y/n" "Yes"  "GOD FUCK ARE YOU OK" He alsmot blew my eardrums out. "Ya im fine just alil scared" "do I need to come over" He asked "No Jirou is here so im fine" There was a moment of silence so. "Ok...well now that I know you ok...GO TO BED" "ok ok damn" He hung up on I yelled for Jirou telling her the bed was made. She came in and I turned and the tv. "Y/n...are you ok and I want a real answer" I looked over at her. Her eyes were getting puffy as if she was on the eged of tears. "Jirou im fine ok...Hey look at me" I grapped here chin and frced to to look straight at me. "Im fine. I should be worried for you" We both looked and each other. Our breathing was getting heavy. We were moving closer to each other. Before we new it we were kissing. We both pulled away to catch a breath and I saw she was crying. "Jirou whats wrong did I-...Did I push it" I felt horibble. "N- NO your not doing anything wrong i- ive wanted to do this for so long" I looked at Jirou and she gave a slight smile. She pulled me back in and kissing ended up in us makeing out till we both fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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