He's....talking to me?

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After class we all got up to stretch a bit. It was kinda awkward if you accidentally looked at someone though. Jirou came over to me with a tired look in her eyes. "Hey I'm going home ita been a long day." I completely understood. "Ok get some rest we have a big day tomorrow!" She gave me a fake smile than walked off. I was packing all my stuff up and putting it in my binder. It was a little heavy so when I put it on I waddled backwards for a second till I felt a stop. I slowly turned around to see it was Bakugou. "Oh its you" He turned around and looked down at me with his around 6 foot tall ass. "WHATCH IT YOU GOD DAMN EXTRA" He huffed but we both new it was a act for how close we really are. "Jesus sorry spikey" I smirked I pulled my binder up on my shoulder fully and walked away. I heard yelling assuming it was bakugou. All I could make out was "YOU COME BACK HERE YOU DAMN EXTRA DONT WALK AWAY FROM ME!" I looked down at the ground having a tingling feeling that this year was gonna be fun. I felt my head hit somthing and looked up. I- it was Denki. "Hey there hot stuff" I had a wide gaze in my eyes I could feel it. "Oh sorry I dont know what's gotten into me I've been bumping into alot of people" I sorta stuttered which was odd beacuse I'm normally really good with words and never shy. "Nah it's fine in fact I'm kinda thankful for it. Bumping into a cutie like you" He gave a devilish smirk. I could feel my whole body warm up. "Heh..." I didnt know what to say. "Hey this might be straight forward but can I get your number" He asked. I didnt question it and took my phone out of my pocket and gave it to him. After I did I relized what I had just done. I GAVE A RANDOM BOY MY PHONE. He put his number in and handed the phone back. "T- thanks" Again I didnt understand how I was stuttering. "No problem babe. See you soon" He moved out of the was and I proceeded to my apartment.

Babe?Hot stuff? Wtf we barely know each other is he fucking with me or somthing? I walk a little bit futher than reach the apartment. I only live like 2 blocks away from UA so its easy to get there and back. I unlock the door and walk in. I drop everything on the floor and plopped on the couch. I built enough energy up to get undressed and take a shower. I brought my phone in to listen to music like normal. As soon as I washed out the shampoo I got a incoming call. I was still trying to get water from out of my eyes when I picked up the phone I could makeout a K and I assumed it was bakugou so I answered it. I mean he has seen me naked before. I heard a voice nothing like Bakugou. "Oh sorry bad time" I heard a fimilar voice say with a chuckle after. "hm?" I looked down and saw Denki. But I couldve swore It has a K on the caller ID. I looked at it again its said....Kaminari. " hey you good babe" I looked back at the phone pulling away from the angle it was at. (Right were her clevage fell) "y-ya Im fine..." I wasnt fine at all. "Well in that can I join" My eyes widened "Wha- what?" I questioned making sure I didnt miss hear him. "I said I just wanted to introduce you to my boy" ....Fuck me. I forgot was in the shower and still hadent hung up. I freaked out and was breathing very fast. "Hey cutie you doing ok you seem stressed" I AM I AM IAM. "Uhh Ill call you back" I hung up and finished my shower. I threw a yellow shirts on and black sweat pants. I sat on the couch reliving what just happend. OH GOD "Fuck me man I tottaly made a fool out of myself" just then RING RING RING RING "My phone uh.....DENKI?" I picked up "Hello? "Hello..." "Ah good what happend to my call back. shit I forgot all about that... "Oh sorrry I was....getting dressed" "OH sweet I can turn the ft thing on again" He sounded oddly excited.

1 hour after talking well Denki talking and y/n still shoked

"Um y/n" Denki asked in a more simistive tine than normal. "Ya kas- Kaminari" I answered almost saying the wrong name....God "Do you wanna go out for lunch somtime" He was scratching his neck and was kinda blushing. "YES....I mean ya sure" I WAS BLUSHING BLUSHING. ''sweet when and were" He asked. "Um Wednesday? At a buffet?" I didnt know what he liked so I went with a place that had it all. "Sure im really looking forward to it" I dont know why but hearing that made me happy.

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