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Hi guys sorry thad i didn't update for a wail but i was really buzy whit homework and  my sister had hear birthday  and my mum hase hear birthday today so sorry.

Vilu: Jude come on its time for dinner.

Jude walked down stairs and sid next to Mariana.

Jesus: deud what are you doing thad is my pleas.

Jude: and now i sid hear.

Leon: comone jude dont do this go sid on your plase.

Jude: but-

Vilu: jude!

Jude stands up and sids next to Austin.

At dinner Jude didn't say a word. Later Leon had to pik somthing up at Maxi's and the kids and Vilu  were all whatching tv. And Mariana got hear self some iscream.

Jude: i wan't iscream to!

Mariana: sorry jude i got the last one.

Jude stands up and walkes to Mariana and hits hear really heard.

Jesus: what the heak.

Mariana: auwww.

Jude wanted ti walk to his room but Violetta stopt him.

Vilu: say sorry to your sister.

Jude: No.

Vilu: say sorry reat now mister.

Jude loked at his mum and pusht hear in the tummy (Violetta is still pregnent.) Vilu greapt hear tummy.

Mariana: mum.

Mariana run to Violetta and helpt hear sit down.

Austin: (Greapt judes arme) are crazzy mum pregnent.

Jude: Let me go.

Jesus: you heart mum say sorry.

Jude: NO.

Leon walked in and sa violetta siting on the ground whit hear hand on hear tummy and Mariana next to hear. He sa Austin holding Jude and Jesus saying say sorry to mum.

Leon: whats going on hear.

Jesus: jude hite mum in the tummy and mariana on the head.

Leon: what!

He walked to Violetta.

Leon: are you okey?

Vilu: i'm fine go to Jude.

Austin: AUWWWWW.

They all turnd to Austin and Jesus they so Jude runing up stairs.

Leon: what happend?

Austin: he bit me.

Jesus: and kikt me.

Vilu: whats rong whit him?

Leon: i don't know but i'm going to find out.

Hi hope you guys like it xxx

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