my baby

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Violetta's PoV

Leon: Violetta there is no baby. We lost the baby.

I just hear thad words Violetta there is no baby. We lost the baby. No this can't be my baby no no no why do i still hear those words. I can't lose my baby. I can't.

Leon: Violetta are you okey? I know its heard but i will be there for you and the kids.

Vilu: No no no no no no ny baby my baby my baby.

Leon: Violetta its okey.

Vilu: my baby.

Leon toke me in his strong armes and hold me there intil i feld in a diep sleep.

A fuw days later. Violetta got home from the hospital and Leon and the kids are doing everything they can to help hear.

Leon's PoV.

The kids and Violetta are sleeping. I hate to see Violetta like this it hurts me so much. And Austin is traing to do everything he can to help his siblings so i can help Violetta i'm really proud of him. And Jesus he made Violetta smile today. And Mariana my little princess she is helping Jude so much he is so sade to see his mum like this.

?: dad can i talk to you.

I turnd around a jude was standing there.

Leon: sure come hear.

Jude walkd to me and i toke him in my armes he is still my little boy.

Leon: whats up.

Jude: is it my fould thad mum lost the baby?

Leon: what no why are you thinking thad?

Jude: becous it lokes like mum dusend like me anymore.

Leon: Jude James Vergas lisen really good okey? You're mum loves you so much mabey no not mabey i think you're mum loves you more thene she loves me!

Jude: really?

Leon: yh and you know why.

Jude: why?

Leon: becous your hear son she give birth to you. She could never love me like she loves you.

?: thads true Jude.

Jude and i turnd around and there was Violetta in hear PJ. She walked to us.

Vilu: Jude i lost this baby but its not you're fould okey. It was my owne fould. And you know i have a baby i little boy.

Jude: who?

Vilu: you,you will always be my baby boy.

Jude: i love you mum.

Vilu: i love you to. But now go to bed its time for you to go to sleep.

Jude: okey goodnicht mum and dad.

V/L: Goodnight

Jude run up ti his room. Now Violetta and Leon were alone.

Vilu: Leon?

Leon: yeah bebe.

Vilu: thank you for helping me.

Leon: thads wat i promist you the day we got maried.

Vilu: yeah i love whit oud you my live would be so miserbul.

Leon: bebe i would walk on fire for you. I love you and nobody is going to hurt you or my family. You are everything i ever wanted. I onley living for yoh and the kids.

Vilu: and i would do the same thing for you.

Leon: te creo.

Vilu: te creo let go to bed.

Leon: yeah lets go to bed.

They walked to there room and got i bed. Leon toke Violetta in his strong armes and hild hear close to hear.

Leon: nobody is going to take you from me. You know why!

Vilu: why?

Leon: becous you are mine. I fight for you when Thomes was there. I fight when Diego was there and i fight when Alex was there.

Vilu: I love you.

Leon: i love you to.

Vilu: you know now thad i'm thinking what ever hapend to Thomas?

Leon: i don't know but i didn't liked hin then and i don't like him now.

Vilu: i know lets go to sleep its late.

Leon: yeah lets do thad.

They shere a kiss and then they went to sleep.

??? PoV

In madrid.

?: dad why are we going to live in L.A

?: becous i say so.

?: yeah dad i have my friends hear.

?: i know hunny but you will get new friends i promis now get in the car both of you.

?&?: okey dad.

?: bebe are you ready.

?: yeah i am lets go.

My wife went to the car i turnd around and lookd at are hous.

?: good bye hous i'm going to L.A to pay a visit to som old friends of mine hahaha

Hi hope you like it xxx i'm going to sleep now tomorow i will update agen please vote and comment. Dus any of you guys know hwo this mistery pursen is? If you do tell me in a comment or in privit. Hope you like this chapter. Btw sorry for the pepel thad had to cry in the last chapter. I got in this chapter 800 words cool x lilly

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