Visiting Jiren & New friend

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Yamoshi:*Sweating* Eeheh (huff) getting tired (huff) already (huff) don't fail me now (huff) kid

Broly*sweating* No (huff) Sir

4 days/years have passed inside the time chamber Broly had made a lot of progress and is at the highest IQ of any human or monster He can talk normally and not stutter as much as he used to He'd also started getting more stamina and strength

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4 days/years have passed inside the time chamber Broly had made a lot of progress and is at the highest IQ of any human or monster He can talk normally and not stutter as much as he used to He'd also started getting more stamina and strength

Meanwhile outside the time chamber beers and his students Goku kale Vegeta cubba and Caulifla Had started working on mastering the Saiyan forms Goku and Vegeta not really struggling at all but the rest are having the most hugest time ever

Caulifla Finally made it to Super
Saiyan 2 like usual she was super happy about it But she didn't let that get in the way for training she wanted to be as strong as Goku so she could have an equal match with him one day.

Caulifla:*sweaty* Ha man that is the best training I've ever had I can't wait to get more stronger then I used to be hey kale Can you get me a water.

Kale: O-oh okay *walks away*

Caulifla:*sweaty* Sooooo Cubba.

Cabba: u-uh oh yeah What's up.

Caulifla:*sweaty* I was just wondering since you and my sister are technically dating I've started to notice your guys's relationship getting even more intense by the minute

Not saying I'm not happy for her but I want to ask you a question that even she might not think of even till this day right now Are you thinking of marrying my sister in the future.

Cabba:*blushing* H-HAII

Caulifla: *Smirk* Chilex Romeo just a question Now if you're gonna sissy out it's fine with me just as long as she's happy but

If you ever break her heart or make her sad I swear on my dead body I will find you and I will kill you I will break every single bone in your body and have the most painfullest death's ever you got that *scary voice*

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If you ever break her heart or make her sad I swear on my dead body I will find you and I will kill you I will break every single bone in your body and have the most painfullest death's ever you got that *scary voice*

Cubba:*sacred* Y-Y-Y-yes m-m-mama I'll m-m-make s-sure t-to m-make h-her h-happy *sweating bullets*

Caulifla:*smiles* Good heheh now let's get ready I heard Broly's coming back today I don't want to be late for that *flys away*

Cabba:*sweaty* Oh man thank God that Broly got her in a good mood *stands up* But she's right I wonder how strong Broly has gotten after 4 days in their *fly's after her*

At Time chamber

Arriving at the time chamber everyone's sat and waited after waiting three and a half hours They heard the doors of the chamber opening turning their heads everyone could see Broly with his trainers

Broly: Hi everyone how did the training go with berus

Goku: Everything went fine but my question is how do you know how to talk straight now

Yamoshi: I'll explain everything once we get back two berus's home but there's something we're gonna need first just so broly can get up to training as well

Whis: Oh and what might that be if I may ask

Honzo: Me and Yamoshi just recently figured out that The person that is name is Jiren has more technology than any human in the world does, I want you to gather Vegeta's wife and every other person that can fight

Vegeta:*confused* And why in the name of hell would you want my wife in this mess This is supposed to be Broly's mission not ours

Goku: but Vegeta Don't you know it's ours too Think about it He's explaining to us many times two people are trying to blow up the whole entire WORLD AND GALAXY

So it's definitely 100% also our mission to stop these guys from causing any harm to innocent people around this whole galaxy

Vegeta: Grrr fine I'll get bulma

Hours later

Bulma: *confused* Wait wait okay let me get this straight all of us are going to go to a planet where JIREN the man who nearly killed you and Goku in the tournament of power just so I can help other scientists there

Improve your gear so you all can get much more stronger and train much more faster is that what you're trying to say to me Vegeta

Goku:*pledging* Oh come on bulma it will be pretty fast I promise once we get there and you finish doing it oh use Instant Transmission to take you back to Earth please

Bulma: *Sigh* Fine I'll help you guys out so when are leaving

Goku: Well right now

Time skip to Jiren's planet

Goku: *amazed* WHOA this place this place is cool I wonder if there's anyone around here that be another challenge



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Everyone: *shocked* TWENTY ONE!!!

Jennifer: Actually the people now call me Jennifer here I love the name I don't like my name just being only numbers I like to feel welcomed you know it's so nice to see all of you even though I don't know some of you

It's been so long since I've seen you Goku Vegeta and Bulma 18 it's so nice to see all of you again how long has it been a few years a decade I lost count so what are you all doing here anyways *puts hand on chin*

Goku: Where here because Jiren said he would help us on making new equipment he said he also have someone and I'm guessing that someone is you we need training equipment to help us improve on our skills

Jennifer: Oooooh that's right he said he wanted me helping some people out while he was out saving the universe come on follow me to my lab why don't you all stay there for the night *smile*

Krillin: Gosh I never thought I'd see her again considering what happened last time we both saw each other

Vegeta: Tch Let's go I don't want to waste time on chit-chatting *walks forward*

Jennifer:*mind* Oh my God who is that guy he looks c-cute *blush*

To be continued

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