✧ can't help falling in love ✧

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paring: female!reader x charlie gillespie
summary: reader has a boyfriend but she can't help how she feels about Charlie, especially after she goes to his apartment after an argument with her boyfriend
warnings: smut. cheating (physically and emotionally), dirty talk / language throughout. an argument & a toxic relationship
word count:

!! y/bf/n = your boyfriend's name !!


You were tired of the constant fighting. It was all you and Y/BF/N did. It felt like everything was a constant fight, and today was no different. Especially after she came back into your boyfriend's life, again.

"You are with her every fucking day, Y/BF/N," you say to your boyfriend. "It's like I don't exist anymore because you're with her more than you're with me."

Your boyfriend blinks at you and says, "You have no room to talk, Y/N. You wanna talk about me being with Abby then we can talk about how you're with Charlie all the time."

Getting frustrated, you say, "I don't have a history of fucking Charlie. You dated Abby, and the two of you have kissed while you and I were in a relationship so excuse me if I'm a little nervous that you haven't lost feelings for her or that her intentions with you aren't what they seem to be."

Y/BF/N laughs and asks, "You don't think I see the way Charlie looks at you when you're around? You don't think I see the way you act when you're around him? I'm not fucking stupid, Y/N."

"I'm not fucking stupid either, Y/BF/N," you say. "I'm not. You sound a little jealous of my friendship with Charlie though even though you know there's no history there."

He blinks at you again and says, "You sound jealous, Y/N. You were the one who brought this conversation up."

You begin to raise your voice, saying, "I brought up an observation, Y/BF/N. That's all I did. You're over here accusing me of having feelings for my best friend and vise versa. All I did was bring up the fact that you're spending all your time with Abby instead of me, and it's making me a little nervous because there is history there."

Your boyfriend's voice raises too. "You sound like a jealous girlfriend, Y/N!" he basically shouts at you. "Yes, there's history there but you need to trust me on this."

"Trust you? Do I need to remind you what happened the last time Abby snaked her way into your life?" you ask. "I hope I don't need to remind you about the kiss that almost blew up our entire relationship."

Y/BF/N rolls his eyes and says, "I thought we got over this, Y/N."

Anger boils inside of you and you say, "You expect me to just 'get over' the fact you kissed your ex-girlfriend right in front of my face? Are you actually kidding me?"

He shakes his head and says, "You told me you forgave me for that."

You say, "Forgiving you for that is not the same as 'getting over' it. In fact, I haven't 'gotten over' it because I don't trust you enough when you're around her, especially when you're alone with her. I forgave you and we worked on our relationship, but it hasn't been the same since."

Your boyfriend throws his hands in the air and says, "Well, I'm sorry again for kissing her."

"Why is she back?" you ask, not wanting to ask the question but needing to ask. You need to know if it's the same reason as last time.

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