𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 1

19 1 0

The last bell rang everyone started packing up their books and other things that they had. I on the other hand was starring at the window not paying attention to absolutely nothing. This was my last class period and I never needed to unpack any of the books or random junk I had in my bag. Closing my eyes and sighing I got up grabbed my bag and walked out of the class to Alicia my friend well sorta I guess it's kind of one-sided since I don't do any of the talking and she does most of it. Alicia is average-looking but pretty though. She has beautiful reddish-brown hair and gorgeous light grey eyes her silky reddish-brown hair stops at the end of her hips it's a bit curly too.

"Hey, Ria how was last period? Mines was sorta interesting since you know who was in it did you-" Alicia started talking but then I stopped paying attention to her and kept walking to her house usually I'd stay over but today I had to go home and study after all there was an assessment that I needed to pass I can't be failing any of my classes who knows what my ma would do if the found out. See my ma is a very strict parent and doesn't take no for an answer if I want to go anywhere I had to be home at 9 on the dot. No, she doesn't let me go to parties or hang out with friends after school she's a bit too strict and overprotective since she was kidnapped around my age then a couple of years later after she had Leon my younger brother my dad got shot during a pass by but we soon got over it but I won't forgive the people who did it.

"ZARIAH!" Alicia said slapping my thigh to get me out of my thoughts

"Huh? Oh sorry, I was zoning out." I said then looking at her and saw that we were already at her house.  "Damn we got here fast," I said talking to myself.

"No shit well, bye love take care of yourself see you next week and try asking your mom if you could go shopping with me and Nicole tomorrow kay? ANYWAY LOVE YOU RIA BYEEEE" she says as she runs inside her house.

"Bye?" I started walking down the street from her house my house is probably an hour or 40 minutes away usually I would take my car but today I just felt like walking.

Around 25 minutes later

I felt something wet fall onto my head. I looked up and saw grey clouds and a little bit of rain falling from the sky.

Sigh..just great.

I thought to myself and walked inside this store that looked like an arcade it was weird since this place was always closed up and the neighborhood where I'm living isn't the best nor is it popular. I stepped inside and looked around its quite cozy you could tell it was old but comfortable. I was walking around until I heard noises coming from the corner. I went a bit closer and saw a boy he looked my age maybe a bit older or younger I couldn't tell since I only saw his back. He turned around and faced me then tilted his head a bit. He was- He was so beautiful and usually, I won't call a boy beautiful but I couldn't help it he was and he looked like a puppy when he tilted his head like that.

"Why are you staring at me like you've seen a ghost?" he said which caught me off guard his voice is quite deep but not too deep it kinda gave me butterflies.

"ah sorry for staring at you I guess not really but yeah I guess I just was wondering what that noise was but I guess I found out heh," I said looking expressionless while scratching my cheek a bit.

"Mm okay I guess" he mumbled expecting me not to hear but I did and turned back to his game

"Soooo what level you're on and what's your high score?" I said trying to start a conversation with him it doesn't seem like he speaks much since he's kinda quiet. He looks quite tall maybe 6 feet probably taller he has no shoes on his hair is messy and probably covering his eyes it looks dyed at the tips and his clothes are baggy and he looks like he just woke up but that's from his backside since he turned to face his game.

"12,628 not my highest but oh well so tell me why you're here no one usually comes here at all so why are you here?" he said glancing at me for a quick second then back to his game

"It started to rain and it'll take me a while to get home.." I wasn't quite sure why I told him but I guess I just felt like it

"oh want to play?" he turned around and faced me I saw the screen of the game saying game over I guess he died maybe the ghost got to him or something I'm not quite sure.

"No thank you I'm just waiting for the rain to stop but for now I'll just do my school work," I told him then sitting down on the cold wooden floor taking out my books then I see him sitting across from me looking through one of my books.

"Is it interesting to you I haven't started it yet it's for an essay I have to do for my Language Arts class" I said smiling a bit not sure why he picked up my book?

" you must be the nerdy goody tissues or the teacher's pet? I think those people are annoying and maybe acts like they know everything. " he said reading the book

"That's quite rude to say..." I mumbled under my breath

"Just saying " he shrugs and continues reading

"Do you live here? Or?" I say as I do my school work

"My grandpa owns the spot that's it, " he says looking up from the book. Eyes meeting mine gave me quite a surprise since he wasn't looking right at my eyes this whole time.

"That's cool you still-" I was about to finish my sentence when he rudely interrupted me.

"The rain stopped you should head on home before it gets dark you don't want to worry your parents do you?" he says with a raised eyebrow

"I- oh I guess you're right thanks for talking to me uhh" I look at him trying to figure out his name while packing things into my bag

"You won't be seeing me again so you honestly don't need my name and next time bring an umbrella so you can get home at the time your parents expect you to be at," he says getting up off the floor and heading to some backroom

I sigh and walked out heading home which isn't too far now. He's interesting kinda mysterious too I hope to see him again hopefully.

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