chapter 3

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"What?" I asked folding my arms across my stomach near my chest

"Nothing just checkin' something out," he utters with a slight sigh making me confused more than I was already

"Weirdo" I proclaim in an annoyed tone slightly rolling my eyes

"Attitude that's new," he says with a full-blown smirk. Damn he got me whipped and he doesn't even know.

"Sir I always had my attitude you learn a thing or two with being in a public school," I say with a small smile

"Is that so? I may need to get enrolled in one huh?" He says with a small hum

"Are you even old enough to still be in high school?" I asked with a slight smirk

"That's for me to know and for you...well ill keep it to myself you seem quite observant" he spoke the last part quietly and suddenly got up from the stool he was at and walked to the small fridge behind the counter

"I heard that!" I shouted a bit too loud but oh well

"Oh good I wasn't trying to hide it " he grabbed a sprite and grabbed a water bottle. "Here catch" he quickly threw the sprite at me

"Guest usually get water don't they," I inquired with a slightly raised brow

"Oh if you want it ill gladly trade I don't mind " he reached out for my sprite

"Uhm no sir I think the f- fudge not yeaaah fudge not" smooth real smooth Zariah

"You can cuss no one is gonna hold it against you Ms. Nerd" he lightly chuckled after speaking

"Yes someone will and that someone is my ma and she doesn't be playing no games," I say while having chill send to my back

"Does she have a camera or something to know your every move?" He asked drinking a sip of his water.

Damn the way his adam's apple bobbed while drinking almost made me wet 'almost' I swear I'm not wet and that's on what.

I suddenly felt something hit my forehead it wasn't hard or too painful more like a stinging sensation that I hope to never feel again.

"What was that for jackass!" I shouted while rubbing my poor forehead damn that stung I thought he didn't touch people without consent!?

"You need to stop daydreaming about me it's seriously a bad addiction" he smirked and folded his arms like some kind of big boss like sir check your ego

"The fact you honestly thought I was thinking about you is kind of disappointing," I say rubbing my head and scoffing under my breath

"Yeah yeah, don't you got somewhere to be you can't be spending your time all day here you ain't got no friends or something?" He asked looking annoyed but I could tell he was enjoying himself since the corner of his mouth raised a bit

"Actually, I don't since my ma is having her ugly ass boyfriend over tonight and it won't end well if I'm there" I admitted not knowing why I told him this I barely knew his fine ass oops I meant him totally

"You didn't have to tell me the last bit isn't that kind of personal information?" he asked not caring I know because I can tell with the look in his dark almost black-brown eyes

"Oh well it's too late I already said it" I shrugged checking the time damn it's almost 7

"You hungry?" he asked sitting down on the stool

"Yeah, actually you tryna feed me?" I asked slightly amused at his smirking expression

"I could do way much more you don't even know " he smirked testing me like who the fuck this boy thinks he is!?

"Shut yo-"


Who could that be? I ain't got anybody who calls my phone so like who?

"Hello?" I spoke

"Hey Zari I need you at home you know who is taking me on a date and your brother just came home and I want alone time with Jules and I know you don't like him" my ma spoke on the line and she's right I don't like her ugly ass boyfriend I swear he be looking at my ass when I'm near him he better not try anything cause my hands are rated E for everyone.

"Soooo you staying for dinner or," he asked turning around and around on the stool

"I can't sorry I'll definitely take you up your offer next time," I say smiling and clutching my purse

"Next time? Pfft alright, then but you'll be the one cooking it, " he says laughing it caught me off guard his laugh was deep and husky but not too deep of course it just sounded amazing giving me tons of butterflies.

I looked away from him for once in my life I'm glad I ain't white cause that would be embarrassing but he seems nice kind of a tease but nice.

"See you, pretty boy " I smirked and waved him goodbye

After she got home cause I'm too lazy to type about someone driving

"I'm home ma where's Jacob?" I asked putting my things on the counter and grabbing some chips

"He's in his room sleep. don't be disrespectful and say hello to Jules" my ma says staring down at me damn this woman scary

"Hello Jules how are you on this lovely day," I say in my 'loveliest' tone and with my 'prettiest' smile

"I am doing fine thank you for asking Zari," he says with a smile ugh disgusting

"You're not allowed to call me that only my family and friends and I sure don't think you're either of them with your ugly ass, " I say and I barely say the last part it was more of mumbled that can't be heard but I know I'm not the only one who does this so...

"Pffft Zari don't be so rude I told him to call you that " I looked at my ma like she was insane I knew I would get in trouble for this but ma'am you can't just let some nasty ass man call me by my nickname and act all creepy friendly to me cause sweety that ain't gonna work out I know that for sure

"Uhm ma I barely communicate with this man and I don't like him at all, not one bit! So what makes you think I'll like it when he calls m by my nickname he can call me Zariah the birth name my father gave me!" I told her in a very aggressive tone I swear sometimes my ma be testing my patients

"ZARIAH LEONIA MATTHEWS!" ahh shit I'm in trouble now damn it why'd I have to run my big ass mouth I hope she doesn't kill me please God don't let ma kill me I want to live get married and possibly have kids and I want two pit bulls and a cute ass kitten

"...yes ma'am?" oh god why did I say it like I was asking a question

"Apologize to Jules for your rude behavior you know good and well I didn't raise you like this I want you to apologize and give me your phone you are grounded for a week and a half you're not allowed to leave this house after 7 o'clock do you understand me, Leonia!" I couldn't believe it I was grounded just for spitting out facts the fuck!? And the fact he got my mama wrapped around his crusty ass finger like she some kind of dog

"Yes, mother... I'm sorry for being rude to you, Jules I will 'not do it again, and I didn't mean to hurt your feelings with any of the words I said..." I say feeling angrier than I ever been I'm pretty sure I was on the verge of tears and I honestly didn't mean anything I just said but hey I'm living under her roof her rules haha right?..

I handed my mother my phone and went upstairs to my room closing and locking the door behind me as I felt tears drip out of my eyes. This wasn't sad tears I ain't got no reason to wail and cry I just was angry.

I went under my blankets and cried my eyes out until I calmed down I knew it was useless to cry but it's the only thing I know to release my anger.

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