Chapter 16

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TW//smoking & drinking

Of course, as expected in every cliché, nothing stays good forever.

Dream began distancing himself from George, not because they fought or anything, but because, quote unquote, that "stupid British gang" was causing problems again.

George found it ironic, seeing as he was British and all.

Dream grew more and more tense as the days passed. From what George managed to gather, the British gang teamed up with the infamous mob leaders, Schlatt and Quackity from the legendary gang, "Las Nevadas."

Dream had been incredibly distracted ever since he received the news, preparing for any and all scenarios. He became paranoid after what happened with Sam, beginning to believe that everyone and their mother was against him. Everyone being a spy.

Everyone, except George of course.

The gang leader found comfort in the man, spending any and all time he could spare, (which was hardly any) with George. It was sort of self care for him.

George didn't mind anyways. He was allowed to go anywhere, but had nowhere to go, so he enjoyed the company.

The other gang members would exchange whispers in the hallways, thinking their boss had gone insane. Always mumbling to himself, spending all his time with some random errand dog, and distancing him from everything.

George took note of this. He hated seeing Dream so stressed out.

Thats why he took him out that very night.

"George! I have work to do! Where are we going?" Dream said with a wheeze as George dragged him behind like a rag doll.

"Just wait and see! You've been way too cooped up in your office." George replied with an eye roll.

He turned the corner, grinning as he saw the beach come into view.

This place brought back good memories for George, seeing as this used to be a place that his family used to visit all the time.

A time before it all went wrong.

George dragged Dream through the entrance, feeling his shoes sink a bit as they his the sand.

"Take your shoes off, Dream!" George said with a small giggle.

Dream smiled, quickly removing his shoes and tossing them to the side. George smiled as he felt the small grains of sand in between his toes.

This place was nostalgic for him, something important. He wanted to share it with someone that was important to him, too.

He pulled Dream to the water's edge, giggles slipping from his mouth as George gave the blonde's hand a squeeze, earning one back ij return.

They reached the tide, carefully stepping in, sighing contently at the water's cool embrace. The evening sky seemed to beckon them, the beach's salty breeze kissing their face.

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