If Happy Ever After Did Exist (f.w)

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*A/N: Hi, random author's note, I just wanted to say that I feel like this one shot isn't really that good and is a little 'all over the place'. But I really like the plot and I feel like this would actually happen, I don't know. I'm just wasting time at this point, and should just let you read it and give me your honest opinion on it. Enjoy!*


Being Harry Potter's older sister has caused Alexa to face challenges, she's two years older than him and has spent the past 14 years protecting him- not only from their Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia but also from Lord Voldemort who murdered her parents in attempts to murder Harry. But she would do it all over again for him, she would never resent him at all. He never went to Voldemort and pissed him off, he was born unlucky.

After getting to Hogwarts and being sorted in Gryffindor, Alexa met Fred and George- who are in the same year as her- and they've been inseparable ever since. She also learnt that some people- specifically Professor Snape- wasn't expecting her to still be alive, believing that she too may have been a victim of Voldemort's. When Harry came to Hogwarts and befriended Ron, their younger brother, it was the greatest news she had ever heard. The Weasley's had felt like a family to Alexa and now they'll feel like a family for him.

That escalated for her when Fred and her got together in 3rd year and grew more serious by 5th year after they attended the yule ball together- sharing their first intimate night together. Since then they grew closer and more in love.

Fred and Alexa have been together for 4 years now, the best 4 years of her life.

"Lexi!" Harry called out, racing up to her as she stand to her full height which was only a few inches taller than him. "We still going to the Weasley's for Christmas?" He asked, excitement in his voice.

"Of course." She tells him, brushing her auburn hair from her face to reveal her hazel eyes- inherited from their father.

It was funny how Harry looked so much like their dad but had their mum's eyes, while she looked so much like their mum but had their dad's eyes. It was like they were both blessed with both genes.

"Great because," Harry began, making Alexa walk with him as he spoke. "I don't want to spend Christmas at the Dursleys and the Weasleys are more family than them. You know?"

"Yeah, I know." Alexa laughs, facing her younger brother. "I don't think we'd ever spend another Christmas with the Dursleys as long as we know the Weasley." She continues.

"And if you marry Fred, you got them for the rest of your life." Harry said, causing Alexa to nudge at his arm.

"Slow down, kid." She said, ruffling his hair. "We're too young for marriage." She tells him, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh come on, we're all rooting for you." Harry tells her honestly, giving her a smile.

"You alright?" George asks, approaching the two.

"Yeah, all good, can I actually talk to you?" Alexa says, George nodding his head briefly.

"I'll see you at dinner, Lexi." Harry says before walking off.

"What's up then?" George asks before Alexa grabs his hand and pulls him somewhere more quiet and secluded.

"I need you to promise that you won't tell anyone, not even Fred, about what I'm going to tell you." She says, pulling him behind a pillar.

"I promise, but why not Fred?"

"I just need your advice for right now." She says, watching him nod. "I'm pregnant, and I don't know what to do." She confesses, watching George fall silent- something that was odd to see. She allowed it to sit in for him before finally speaking again. "How do you think Fred would react?"

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