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As the dark mark appeared in the haunting sky above the courtyard, calling all the Death Eaters that Voldemort had rallied up throughout his years, they all appeared one by one to satisfy their dark lord. All dressed in black robes, their hoods up, with silver masks that all had different patterns, they railed round in a circle with Voldemort in the middle.

"Welcome, my friends," He greeted, taking in all that stood around him. "13 years it's been, and yet, here you stand before me. As if though it were only yesterday. I confess myself disappointed. Not one of you tried to find me." He said, approaching one before removing his mask.

Angrily he slashes at them all, removing their masks once he has revealed their with frustration in his voice. He watched them fall to the ground with agony, obeying their lord.

"Not even you," He says, slowly approaching one of the last Death Eaters standing. "Lucius." He says, removing his mask.

"My lord," Lucius whispered softly, looking up at Voldemort. "Had I detected any sign or even a whisper of your whereabouts." He explained, looking past his hood.

"There were signs, my friend, and more than whispers." Voldemort says, his voice unpitying. 

"I assure you, my lord, I never renounced the old ways." He says, removing his hood and standing up to his full height. "The face I have been obliged to present each day since your absence," He pauses, facing the last Death Eater that was yet to be revealed. "That was my true mask."

"I would have come to find you," The Death Eater spoke, her voice of femininity. "But I had never had the opportunity." She said, her voice appearing younger.

"Yes, Lestrange, I can trust for you to return." Voldemort praised with a smile.

"I returned." Wormtail spoke, approaching forwards before cowering as Voldemort approached him.

"Out of fear." Voldemort spat down at the whimpering coward. "Not loyalty."

"Cut off his other hand!" Lestrange called out with a giggle before she was silenced by Voldemort. 

"Still you have proved yourself useful these past few months, Wormtail." Voldemort says, granting Wormtail a new hand made from silver.

"Seriously, he gives the no good whimpering idiot a new hand yet I have to use some dead guys mask." Lestrange complains to Lucius.

"Thank you, my lord, thank you." Wormtail says, bowing down to Voldemort.

"I would have cut off his other hand and left him with none." Lestrange mutters, crossing her arms over her chest. "Now, lets kill the boy!" She cheered, everyone staring at her.

"Harry! I'd almost forgotten you were here." Voldemort said, stalking up to the boy.

"Enough with the yapping, we don't care for him. He's right there, just do it!"

"Silence, Lestrange!" Voldemort snapped, facing the girl. "This is between me and Harry, stand down." He said, causing her to back away.


"Have you ever heard of Lestrange?" Harry asked Ron and Hermione, fiddling with the sleeve of his jumper, pulling at a thread that had come loose.

"Bellatrix Lestrange? The one who was involved in torturing the Longbottoms?" Ron asked, eating his food.

"I suppose if that's the only one that's a Death Eater. It's just that she was there at the courtyard. She was the only one that Voldemort didn't reveal nor spat down at." Harry said, shrugging his shoulders.

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