Heartbreak and Hope

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The authoritative voice startles the couple. Rose turns her head.

"Ezekiel! What are you doing here?"

"Who is he?"

"My trainer."

"And I thought I'd trained you better than this. If you go through with this, it will be the worst thing you could ever do. You know what your assignment is."


"Then carry it out, or I will."

"You will fail."

Shredder is baffled.

"What is your assignment?"

"She didn't tell you? It's you!"

Shredder considers this for a time, before the penny finally drops. He looks at Rose, horrified. Then anger clouds his features, and he shoves her away.

"You tricked me!"

"No, I love you."

Shredder shakes his head.

"Was the plan to get as close to me as possible, then do to me what you did to those men from your village?"

Ezekiel cuts in, "Actually, it was supposed to happen during the contest."

"So you decided to drag it out instead?"

Rose has tears in her eyes as she says, "No, I fell in love with you."

"I believed that once. No more."

Rose reaches for Shredder, but he dodges her. Then he dons his helmet and mask and storms off.


Back at the Technodrome, Shredder goes directly to his personal quarters, where Krang finds him.

"Where is she?"

"Leave me alone Krang."

Shredder removes his mask and helmet.

"What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it. Just go."

Shredder's obvious distress puzzles Krang, but he leaves.

Shredder sits on the floor, hangs his head, and sobs broken-heartedly.


After some time, Shredder becomes aware of a presence.

"I told you I don't want to talk about it Krang."

"I'm not Krang."

Shredder looks up and sees Ezekiel.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here to do what Rose can not."

Ezekiel leaps at Shredder, but something falls on him, and pins him to the floor. It's Rose. She lies across Ezekiel, too weak to even lift her head.

"What's wrong?"

"She's dying."

"But she's already dead."

"We can die a second death. A permanent one."


"Heartbreak. She loves you, and your rejection broke her heart. And when she is no more, you will be mine. She has mere moments left."

Shredder hurries to Rose, gathering her up in his arms. She looks up at him and whispers, "I'm sorry. I love you."

Rose's eyes slowly close.

Desperate, Shredder presses his lips against Rose's, holding them there for several seconds. There's no response. He pulls back, and the tears flow.


Suddenly, Shredder feels Rose's lips brush lightly against his. Then she's kissing him, softly at first, but then more fiercely as her strength returns. Shredder responds in kind.

Eventually, Shredder is forced to come up for air. He gazes lovingly at Rose.

"I love you."

Rose smiles.

"I love you too."

Rose remembers Ezekiel, and turns her head towards him. He issues a warning, "There will be consequences."

Defeated, he vanishes.

Rose turns back to Shredder.

"I really am sorry."

"Sh, it doesn't matter any more."

He presses his lips against hers again.

Rose and Shredder: A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now