The broken Fate

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He doesn't know how many days he lay in this bed, in the darkness. He wishes that, the thing he experienced is just a dream. He sit on his bed, the red string is still on his wrist, and the scale which engraved with courage still in his hand, he knew that she is gone. He closes his eyes want to forget everything, but it is already engraved in his heart.
Kaung Lu surprise when she heard that Xu Feng will be in charge instead of his highness.
-My brother is very sick, he cannot come to attend the court, I will be in charge for awhile, until he recover, I will attend the court and solve every problem under his name.
Every immortal look and ask each other questions.
-I know that all of you is wondering about my brother situation, I can guarantee, he is fine. No need to worry, he will recover soon and come back to attend the court as normal. So, please be at ease and perform your task as normal.
-Yes your highness.
Every Immortals answer, the might have doubt, but since Xu Feng is here, there is no worry. He is as capable as his brother. Night Immortal face become pale upon hearing what Xu Feng has said. She didn't think that his majesty would be ill like that, the last time he was hurt like this, it only take days for him to be back to normal. But now Xu Feng is in charge instead of him, perhaps her action is wrong. Xu Feng looks directly to the night immortal, she is daze in her thought.
After the meeting in the hall, all the Immortal going back to their places. Kaung Lu walks alone, her thought is conflicting with each other.
-Night Immortal...!
Xu Feng calls, she stops and turn back to him.
-Your highness.
She bows as a courtesy Xu Feng nods.
-Brother is very sick, to the point that he cannot wake up from his bed.
He told her and keep looking at her expression. She lower her eyes.
-It is sad that his highness lord of the heaven is sick like that.
Xu Feng walks along side her.
-Demon Queen death, affect brother feeling so much. Do you know that they secretly love each other?
Upon hearing this she clutches her hand so much until her nail dig in to her palm.
-I did not know this, your highness.
She answer quickly and seem to avoid talking about this subject.
-Apparently, they went on trial together... and have a life as human... love each other so much.
-Love in mortal realm mean nothing!
She increase her voice, and look directly at Xu Feng. Then she put a smile on her face.
-Sorry your highness I just want to remind that love in the mortal realm for us deity mean nothing at all.
Xu Feng also smiles.
-Anyways, brother is not able to have a good sleep many days, so I dig up some of his dream record... and found out this.
Kaung Lu eyes wide open. Her knees are shaking. The blue bubble of dream, it show where she broke the artificial and bottle to release Qiongqi.
-It is not true...! Your highness, someone make this up, someone wanted to put the blame on me...
She shake her head. Run Yu, Dan Zhu and Yan You appear. Run Yu is heart broken, he clutches his hand. Kaung Lu drop down to her knees, and make her way to Run Yu.
-Your highness, It was not me... I didn't do it... you have to believe me.
He looks at her.
The only words come out of his mouth. Kaung Lu cries and fall on the ground.
-I love you... your highness, I have loved you for long time ago, but you never notice. First It was Jin Mi, because she didn't love you, I didn't harm her. But for that queen, she loves you too. She deserve death.
Run Yu closes his eyes, he is angry, but not on her, he angry with himself. He is the reason of this mess.
-Now that demon queen is gone, no one can take you from me.
-You were very kind and selfless deity before, because of love, you can kill another deity.
Dan Zhu adds. Kaung Lu stares at Dan Zhu.
-You... you are also the culprit of this, why did you matching them... if you didn't match them, I didn't have to kill demon queen.
-Don't you know, release Qiongqi might bring chaos to all the realms, why did you do that?
-I don't care about these realm, all I care is my lord.
She crawl toward Run Yu and hug around his leg.
-Now that she is gone, your highness can stay here again, I won't border your highness, I will only watch you silently... just please stay here.
Her love and respect for him turn in to obsession. Run Yu push her hand away and speak to Xu Feng.
-This is solely my fault, if it not me, Kaung Lu wouldn't become like this, Liu Ying wouldn't die in vein. As a punishment, I will destroy half of my power.
He then proceed to get rid half of his power. He vomit blood and almost fall, but Yan You come to hold him. He waves his hand to assure that he is ok and talk to Xu Feng.
-Xu Feng, This matter, please handle it the way you seem appropriate. I don't want to stay here anymore.
-Where do you want to go? Who gonna Rule heaven?
He looks at his brother.
-I entrusted my brother to look after this realm, I don't know when I get back, perhaps in a year or perhaps I won't return.
He starts to vomit blood again.
He already make a decision, so he immediately left.
Xu Feng and Dan Zhu go to seek the answer from Immortal Yaun Ji. Immortal Yaun Ji was the teacher of Flower Goddess, Wind Goddess and Water God. She is also the one who control all the fates of everyone.
-Fate is something that already engraved, there is no way to change or alter the fate.
She said, both of them look at each other.
-That mean Run Yu won't be able to have love, or someone to be with him?
-Fate doesn't say Yes or No.
-What does it mean?
The story about fate is very vague, nobody know what fate is, or what their fate is. Sometime it is cruel, sometimes it is generous.
-Run Yu fate already seem that, in his life... he would encounter three broken heart.
-So Jin Mi is his first heart broken, Liu Ying is his second, who will he meet? What will happen to him? How can we help.
Immortal Yaun Ji smiles.
-Nobody know, just let's him find himself, when he reach the place, he would find what he seek.
The word she said is very ambiguous, Xu Feng and Dan Zhu have no clue about what she said at all.
-Let him find himself for awhile... what could it be?
-I don't know, but now I just hope that brother is fine.
Dan Zhu nods.
Run Yu leave heaven realm and come to visit the human realm, he hide himself in the peach blossom field. He stay there to recollect himself. At first he miss her everyday, sometimes he cries. Someday he sleep all along. Days become weeks then months and years.
In summer, he sit and watch sun set at the bank of the lake. In spring he enjoy the peaches blossom view and in winter he go up to the mountain and watch snow. He carries the scale with him all the time.
-I used to promise to accompany you to watch sunset, peaches blossom and snow on the mountain, but you didn't allow me to fulfill this promise.
Snow flake drop on his palm of hand, it is cold but it is very beautiful.
-I wish you were here.
He closes his eyes.
-Don't give up on your life and purpose... your life is precious.
Her voice echo in his ears. Run Yu open his eyes immediately, but there is no one. Perhaps he was hallucinating. He feel the warmth of the hug, he turn around. Liu Ying is hugging him, but her body is starting to perish again.
-Liu Ying....
He is shock, surprise, excited and emotional at the same time.
-I will be here, with you...
Her smile perish in the blink of an eyes... in front of him is emptiness. He cries and fall down to the ground. He has been here for 10 years, yet he can't forget her. He can't move on. He travel to the demon realm for just to reminisce her. The memory of his younger self, with Xu Feng, Jin Mi and Liu Ying. Now it is just a memory.
-Heaven lord.
Qing Tian appears to be here as well.
-Demon Queen...
They end up sit and drink tea together.
-Why are you here, your highness?
She asks him. Run Yu smiles sadly.
-I miss her, I miss her so much... I just visit the place she lived.
Qing Tian stay silent and observe Run Yu.
-Where have you been all these time?
-I am just roaming around, trying to recollect myself and forget her... but I cannot.
He is just sad, so sad that Qing Tian can feel his sadness too.
-Do you love her that much? You both are just went through trial together, Isn't it nothing at all?
She asked. He drinks his cup of tea, the smile of nostalgia appear on his face.
-Not only the trial, perhaps we are so similar, to similar that I used to look over her. I fought her in the battle field, we used to be enemy.
-No, you both are not the same... my mother, even she lost a lover, she still stand strong to look after her people. Your highness, look at yourself, you abandon your people because of your feeling. Acting like that, no matter how much she love you, I won't approve.
Qing Tian said, Run Yu looks at her. She look a lot like Liu Ying, spiritually and courage.
-Go back to heaven, and be a strong leader. Find your spirit and move on.
He hesitates. The look of his eyes show his hesitation.
-You cannot just hide yourself in the human realm forever, you choose this path by yourself. It is your responsibility.
-Xu Feng is there, I think he is capable.
-But god father is not a heaven lord, no matter what he do, you are the true heavenly lord.
He still hesitant.
-Please go back there and take your right place. I am on behalf of my mother, ask your highness to go back to heaven and perform your duties.
Ten years of loneliness and free life style.... Is that enough to move on? He has no answer. But he nods to Qing Tian request.
-My mother will be happy when she knew that.
Qing Tian adds. After a small talk, he bit farewell and travel back to heaven. Qing Tian looks at him when he is leaving.
-It's time....!

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