{Chapter 2}

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"BTW! why isn't my baby scolding me for being late? Like you always do so, so why not today?" I asked her only to see her confused. She wants to say something but can not!

"Arjun! Acutally.... Acutally...ummm...um" she started stammering.

"What happen?" I asked her holding her hand......

She never stammers!

"Nothing! Just trying to be old Natasha.... The one who understood you!" She said.

Her words was something but her eyes was telling something....but I should trust her right?

"I love you" I just tried lighten my mood.....

"I know!😏, ab mai hui esi😎" and she gave me her all time favoraite answer.

I thought something was wrong with her....actually I felt.
She was never understanding....she was always demanding! But now she is talking about understanding. Huh!
Nevermind.... She is still mine!

"So thought...what are you gonna wear?" I asked, actually tried to clear out the awkward silence.

"Deciding what to wear! Where are we going baby?" she asked, CASUALLY.
As if she was forgetting something unimportant... Like how could she forget thiiiissss!

I was seriouly very close to burst out....but the waiter interupted.

"Mam! Your cappuccino and chocolate pancakes" he said as he placed her order efficiently on the table.
Wow! She has even ordered without waiting for me. Huh! She must be hungry.

"Sir! Would you like to order something?" he asked tilting his head towards me.

"Yes! A Lemonade pls" I said looking onto her.... Expecting her to order my fav like the way she do, always.

"Something more sir? Like any type of snack?" he asked, I still looked to her....who was sipping her cappuccino while typing something on phone.

"No! Thanks" I said as I sat back. Dissapointed.

"Hey! You didn't ordered your fav chicken nuggets?" she finally asked.

"Yes" I answered pretending to be angry....which I know would never be able to.

"Why?" she again asked putting down her cell phone.

You know the second thing I am jealous from is her that cell phone.... Like she never leaves it...never keeps it away!
I wished I could be that. But.....

"Becoz I was waiting for you to order that for me....like you always do. But you were too busy to give me some attention." I finally let myself out. I expected her to console me like she always do...but instead I got some.....
You see youself.

"What the hell Arjun! You can't shout on me in public like this..... I am a renowned model here.... Everyone knows me.... And I would not be always there to place your order.... You should start doing this by yourself. And the last thing don't dare to do this again..... You know this thing can be a breaking news for tomorrow newspaper with the headline 'Natasha Kapoor, the renowned model was scolded pubicly by a random guy'!"  she finished.

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